View Full Version : how to install onto lappy with only CD OR FDD..

07-18-2004, 09:42 PM
i have an old toshiba tecra 730cdt, and i have read that linux can be installed onto it. however all there guides seem to involve having both a floppy and a cd connected at the same time, or a bootable cd drive - i have neither. I have both the cd and floppy drives, as well as an external adapter, but for one reason or another, the external adaptor doesnt seem to work.
therefore i need some way of being able to boot the cd from the hdd. at the moment it is running win98se, but this is quite slow and unstable, and there isnt much space left on a 2.1gb hard drive.

any help would be appreciated!
thanks in advance...

07-19-2004, 12:57 PM
The old Toshibas run Linux nicely in my experience. But the hdd is only 2.1G? Sorry but that's not big enought for Knoppix. You need about 3G. There are some smaller remastered versions of Knoppix out there. Morphix comes to mind. Dunno how to install Morphix w/out cdrom or floppy tho.... Maybe on the Morphix forums?

07-19-2004, 01:06 PM
ok thanks ill go there now..
also though, 2.1 gb is enough to fit the cd image on hdd for a 'poor mans install'
i could do this by copying the image file over, then changing to fdd, and using a boot floppy to boot the image on the hdd. ill do this if i cant find anything else, but id rather i could do it without using the fdd, so i could use the cd drive in knoppix

07-19-2004, 11:12 PM
Ohhhh now I get it. :) I thought you had neither floppy nor cdrom. My bad. Well in that case I would still reccomend Morphix or installing Debian w/ either the sarge netinst disc or..... (my favorite) boot floppies! But booting the .iso is certainly a possibility too tho I personally am not overly familiar with how it's done.