View Full Version : bittorrent java stuff >>>>>>>>>

07-19-2004, 11:42 PM

i'm new to knoppix . . . . ok . . . and to linux azru
the thing is that i wanted to use bit torrent ?? i could not cuz i dono how to i tryed using azureus i downloaded it from klik . . . but it doz not open ??

then i heard that i need java for it so i down loaded java and i did the stuf that thay sid i should do but ...................... azureus dos not open and i dont know how to see if i really installed java ??

07-22-2004, 01:53 AM
Actually knoppix already comes with java. Try type this command on konsole: java -version
it will show the version of java on your system.

I download azureus from their site. Get the Azureus official release,

Unpack to your home directory, example:
/home/your user name,
it will create something like : /home/your user name/azureus

Then create an icon on your desktop that link to azureus with command:
/home/your user name/azureus/azureus