View Full Version : Where is the terminal server script located?

07-21-2004, 07:46 PM
I'd like to take a crack at editing it manually. I finally decided to do a hard drive install and the whole purpose was to see how it would affect performance on the terminal server. And as I discovered, the script doesn't work for a hard drive install. And yes, I'm aware that it is possible to trick it by using the compressed CD image copied to the hard drive, but that seems to be defeating the purpose if I'm looking for better performance.
Furtermore, it's not just better performance I'm after. I'm also hoping to apply the badmem kernel patch so I can run terminals that use up my fairly huge collection of bad RAM modules.
So, it's really in my best interests to get the terminal server working with the hard drive install. If somebody could just help me out with a pointer on where to look for the script, I'd be much obliged.

07-23-2004, 02:44 AM

10-29-2004, 03:05 PM
If you get this working please poste how !
( eventually the script or the changes ? ) :D
i was serching if someone did this already for a while
but only found those hints to use the copyied cd image ...

maybe this is the most importand thing missing from the
harddrive installed version ....