View Full Version : knoppix detect my videocard, but debian NO, how is that!!

07-22-2004, 03:10 AM
My configuration is this:

-Motherboard integrated(on board) with video i810 (disabled trought bios)
-Nvidia geforce 2 mx200 PCI

Ever i tray to install xserver-xfree86 in debian the problem is the xserver-xfree86 detect the "two" cards (PCI & on board) and when I put manually the direction or bus-ID of my videocard PCI in the menu of configuration of xfree86, have a problem and not start the xsession, but with knoppix the all works OK!! :? , how is that possible?? The script of detection of HW of Knoppix can be used to install DEbian?? is stranger how knoppix do and recognocize my PCI card, and not my onboard or integrated card.

The fucking integrated video is DISABLEEEEEDD!!

PD: Sorry for my poor english.

T H A N K S !!!!!!!!!!

07-22-2004, 06:27 AM
Knoppix uses many tools to figure out your hardware. It has been suggested that Debian use Klaus' magic for their installer. (Yes even the latest greteatest Debian installer is a bit outdated). So far that has not happened. Use Knoppix as a live cd and for hard work (i.e. XF86Config-4 & saving data from dead M$ installs) and you won't be sorry. Use Kanotix (http://www.kanotix.com) for hdd install (also a good live cd) and you won't be sorry either. It's pure Debian SID. Sure, you may need to upgrade after an install (depending on release date) but it's not likely to break. We're always available on #kanotix for any questions. Thanks be to Klaus for the magic. Knoppix configures hardware automatically that even Wimpdoze can't. No it isn't perfected (yet) but booting a Knoppix cd is one of the more amazing things I've ever seen done on a pc. :)