View Full Version : Need help with basics: copying and pasting folders..

07-23-2004, 09:41 AM
In WinXP, a certain folder is inaccessible.
Attempt to access it, I used Knpx.
However, I could not copy and paste folders of the NTFS h.d.
(I'm guessing it's write-protected, but you guys should know.)
How can I do this with Knpx.?


07-23-2004, 01:31 PM
All of the devices are write protected by default. Right-click the device, properties, third tab, uncheck "read only", OK, Right-click the device, unmount, then double-click the device.

For some reason I can't explain, you apparently have to unmount and then remount the drive after you make it writable, before the change "takes". That's the reason for the extra steps above.


07-24-2004, 07:49 AM
sorry this method doesn't work. :cry:
(f.y.i.: i'm using Knpx 3.4 bootable ver.)

07-24-2004, 08:50 AM
Considering you are using knoppix cdrom based.
1) open konsole --> type su <enter>
2) type passwd --> type any password you want
3) type mount /dev/hda* /mnt/hda* *what your ntfs partition is.
4) type chroot /mnt/hda*
5) open K menu-->system-->more programs--->File manager-super user mode. It will ask password. Enter the password you just created. You need to change the konqurer settings to file management.
6) Go /mnt/hda* or whatever your mount point is and copy and paste whatever you want.

Hope it will work.

07-26-2004, 03:42 AM
Make sure you have write support for ntfs filesystem enabled . I'm not exactly sure how to do this (requires 2.6 kernel) as I don't use ntfs but you could you could screw up the ntfs drive without it.

07-26-2004, 07:16 AM
thanks again everyone. i appreciate your help.