View Full Version : Bootup from CD rom Stalls ?

07-24-2004, 05:12 AM
Hi All i am new to Knoppix having used MS products i wanted to try something new. I have downloaded a few copies now of Knoppix and thwy all work fine on other people machines except my laptop. The CD boots up fine and i press enter to carry on with the running of the OS but that is as far as it goes. The screen stays blank and then just sits there doing nothing?. I have read the faq & cheats docs and any other info i can find on the webpages but none seems to provide me with any help.

I have a MESH laptop P4 2.66ghz, 512ram 40GB hdd DVD RW Ram Drive 64mb ATI onboard Video card.

Any ideas ?

07-26-2004, 10:38 AM
Nice laptop!

Anywaw, I'm more newbier than you so I don't think my advice would do you any good. But I read somewhere that on some laptops, Knoppix only works when it's not plugged in. Meaning the laptop's only running on it's batteries.

I hope this helps.

08-12-2004, 12:48 PM
Nope sadly still no joy.......im at a los as to what the problem could be

08-12-2004, 02:17 PM

Just to see if you can get into Knoppix - and this is only a "trouble-shooting" test -=- so, don't expect Knoppix to look that great, or really have all the "cool" stuff running - this is only a test to see that you can get into Knoppix at the "ground level"...

At the boot: prompt type the following, and press enter:


If you can get into Knoppix, then you should exit from it, and post back results, if you get nothing again, then, maybe something else can be figured out - ( not sure what, but, we can try :D )

If you are a follower of Micro$oft and Window$ - the "failsafe" mode in Knoppix is just like the "protected" or "safe mode" is to Windows O$'s...

Ms. Cuddles

08-12-2004, 04:29 PM
Many thanks i will give it a try and post you back the results, thanks again

08-13-2004, 07:57 AM
Nope sorry still know joy , i even bought a copy of Redhat but funnily enough it stops at the same point ???.

I have a fairly decent machine i would just like a decent OS on there i am getting sick of Windows. If anybody has any other ideas as to how i can install Knoppix please let me know.

08-14-2004, 08:27 PM
" I have a MESH laptop P4 2.66ghz, 512ram 40GB hdd DVD RW Ram Drive 64mb ATI onboard Video card."

What is the "Ram Drive"? If it is a physical device, do you have media in the drive when you try to boot Knoppix?


08-15-2004, 07:51 AM
The Ram Drive is a combo DVD-CD writer and Ram Drive reader all in one it can read double sided DVD's. This is the drive i use to boot up the knoppix CD from.

The funy thing is if i use the same CD on other machines the disc works fine which can only mean there is an issue with my Laptop and i am guessing hardware. Though i did try the no hardware detect option aswell as the failsafe but the bugger just wont go any further after i press enter to load it.

08-15-2004, 09:07 AM
Try some more cheatcodes. 'knoppix failsave', knoppix noapic' etc.....

08-15-2004, 11:30 AM
ok ,

From version 3.4 a lot of boots are stalling because of the way knoppix can't handle the UDMA .
The only thing to to is :
at boot time type
knoppix nodma
Hope this'll help,

greetzzzz from Belgium

08-15-2004, 11:32 AM
Ah right also another thing ,

try this at boot :

fb1024x768 knoppix screen 1024x768 knoppix nodma

I had about the same problem with a toughbook from Panasonic.

08-15-2004, 11:38 AM
And maybe better if adding this option :

fb1024x768 knoppix xmodule=vesa knoppix screen=1024x768 knoppix nodma

09-16-2004, 01:17 AM
A friend gave me a knoppix CD and told me it was th best way to get into Linux if I couldn't get a regular install to work. He showed me on his PC that the disk worked so I go home and try on my Laptop.

I have the same stalling problem as above, however, none of the boot options suggested above or fb1280x1024, fb1024x800, fb800x600 work.

My laptop is a Compaq Presario 700 AMD AthlonXP peaking at 1.2GHz 256MB DDR ram.

Any solutions? Thanks.

09-16-2004, 01:42 PM
Ok, I'm "pullin out all the stops" here, this is from the long list of "cheatcodes" that I used from v3.2 up to my current v3.4 boots... You may want to try one, all, or any combination of them...

Version 3.2 and 3.3:

knoppix noapm nopcmcia noacpi lang=us

Another for v3.2 and v3.3:

knoppix screen=1024x768 vrefresh=60 noscsi lang=us

And my current for v3.4, using kernel 2.6.6:

linux26 lang=us nopcmcia noagp noacpi nodma noapm

Mix and match, and ...
Hopefully this helps,
Ms. Cuddles