View Full Version : Disable CUPSD from start up???

07-26-2004, 12:05 PM
How would I go about disabling CUPSD from my startup? I dont use a printer and do not find it necessary to load something I dont need...please advise!!!! Thank you...bob58 8)

07-26-2004, 12:08 PM
update-rc.d -f cupsys remove

07-26-2004, 03:11 PM
Not sure if this is the PC ( or politically correct ) way to do it, but, when I just want something not to run, during startup / shutdown, or in your case, disable it, I use Sys-V and locate the service in the Run Levels, and remove them - both from the START and the STOP service listings...

I had to do this to get Arts from starting on boot, so that ALSA would be the only sound service running...

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

07-26-2004, 05:10 PM
Hi Ms. Cuddles...can you explain to me about sys-v? I am not sure I am familiar with that one. Is it a menu choice? If so, how do Igo about finding the run levels you wrote about....I am fuzzy in that area.....thanks....bob58

07-26-2004, 05:38 PM
KMenu --> System ---> Sys-V-init editor

As for the run levels - you have seven - from 0 to 6, not exactly sure on which levels are for what, I don't have my "Sys Admin" book handy...

But, say run level 0 (zero) is for shutdown, run level 1 is for initialization, run level 2 is for text only booting, run level 3, etc...

When you boot, each level is passed to get to the actual level you need - maybe, not sure, run level 5 is complete GUI boot, you "progress" through levels 1 to, say, 5, and each level has things it is "needing" to do, start services, get hardware working, load partitions, etc... And, as each of these run levels have stuff they need to do, so, too, does run level 0 (zero), but in reverse - run level zero has the job of stopping all of these services, hopefully before the shutdown is activated ( or a reboot, same thing, just that after run level zero is maintained, it simply restarts by going back up the run levels, whereas a shutdown would just stay at run level zero )

Sys-V is a "Sys Admin" tool, used to set what things, and what orders, things are to be "fired off" during any specific run level. Say cupsd has a priority order of 21, and that it only should run at run level 5 - if you open Sys-V, in the Run Level 5 listing, you will find an entry for cupsd, and since it is started, you will also find an entry in Run Level 0 for it to be shutdown, as well...

Not sure if this works in a Live-CD boot, it might be saved with a "Save Knoppix Configuration" option, I am not sure, but it works great in a hard drive install...

Go into Sys-V-init editor, locate every occurance of cupsd in any of the run level listings, and remove it... Save it, and then reboot - the service should never start again... This process doesn't remove the actual program, or service, from the physical installation, just on it starting or stopping... Again, not sure with a Live-CD boot, if this works on "keeping" your changes, or not... But it works after you install it though.

I am quite sure you can "hack" a init.d file and do the same thing, remove it from a text file, and do the same, but the GUI is a nice way to see what is running, the order, and removal of things... As a note, I have had a dickens of a time trying to "re-insert" a removed service in Sys-V, one in particular was Artsd, some of the services have a priority number, and some don't, and re-inserting them isn't as easy as removing them is, so, if you remove something, it may not be as easy to put it back... So, remove with caution... As in the case of my artsd removal, I had to run its install script, or something, to get it to put it back correctly, not sure on the cupsd thing though...

I hope I helped, a little,
Ms. Cuddles