View Full Version : Location of .profile .bshrc ????????

03-16-2003, 05:05 PM
Hi All

I am new to KNOPPIX. I have a question concerning the read/write/save ability of .profile and .bshrc files. I need to edit these files but I am unable to find them (and subsequently edit and save them) in KNOPPIX. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have noticed that after running KNOPPIX, two files name bash.history and .history are created in the root directory in the 'C' drive. Would the .profile and .bshrc files be created in a similar manner.

As a side note, I have had trouble running C Shell accessed from the Shells dropdown menu. When I select C Shell, the window opens and quickly disapears. Is this suppose to happen?


Marcus Jacobs

03-16-2003, 11:10 PM
The profile file is /etc/profile which applies to all users, you should be able to find the .bashrc and .bash_profile file in your home directory. As for the C shell I have no idea.

03-17-2003, 10:12 AM
--' cat /etc/shells ' and see ' man chsh '. Start an rxvt or Konsole, and see if you can run ' csh ' from there.

' man bash ' and "/" search for ".bashrc". If you are the knoppix user, they are/will be created in "~/knoppix" (/home/knoppix). If root, they are in "/root/.bashrc".

--Don't forget, you may have to chmod +x these files.

Hi All

I am new to KNOPPIX. I have a question concerning the read/write/save ability of .profile and .bshrc files. I need to edit these files but I am unable to find them (and subsequently edit and save them) in KNOPPIX. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have noticed that after running KNOPPIX, two files name bash.history and .history are created in the root directory in the 'C' drive. Would the .profile and .bshrc files be created in a similar manner.

As a side note, I have had trouble running C Shell accessed from the Shells dropdown menu. When I select C Shell, the window opens and quickly disapears. Is this suppose to happen?


Marcus Jacobs