View Full Version : knoppix with firefox

07-29-2004, 09:12 PM

Has someone already remastered a knoppix with these:
- Firefox
- Bittorent
- Kaza-lite for linux (if it exists)

Although I didn't check.. but does knoppix has a PPPoE client that I can use to connect to bell sympatico in toronto area? I don't think it does.

It already has open office. Meaning there should be a substitute to word/excel.

I think it already has a built-in pdf reader.

I would like to exclusively use it for a couple of weeks and see if I should completely move to linux.


07-30-2004, 01:05 AM
you can try this site.
it lets you install software while you are booted into knoppix. You have to use the browser that starts up with Knoppix. The software is loaded into you ram so when you shut down they are gone. azaurus I think is the bit torrent program, apollon is like kazza lite, and firefox is there too. If you get brave you can create a persistant home drive. The KLIK programs (and your settings) will save there on your hard drive. This way the next time you boot they will still be there. Do a seach here on the forums to find more information on how to set that up

07-30-2004, 04:34 AM
thanks. let me check that out.

07-30-2004, 11:01 PM
It already has open office. Meaning there should be a substitute to word/excel.


I see a software for this and i included on mi remastered knoppix 3.4, it calls ABS.

08-05-2004, 11:22 PM

Has someone already remastered a knoppix with these:
- Firefox
- Bittorent
- Kaza-lite for linux (if it exists)

Although I didn't check.. but does knoppix has a PPPoE client that I can use to connect to bell sympatico in toronto area? I don't think it does.

It already has open office. Meaning there should be a substitute to word/excel.

I think it already has a built-in pdf reader.

I would like to exclusively use it for a couple of weeks and see if I should completely move to linux.


I have custom Knoppix with-

ml-donkey (multi-protocol P2P)

For pppoe, it might also be that you need a modem dirver if the modem is USB.... There is pppoe software, not sure if its compatible with your ISP..

Openoffice has replacments for word.excel, and is capable of using the M$ doc formats.

Acroreader for pdf


08-06-2004, 05:06 PM
knoppix standard includes one bittorrent client, but is only text mode, no gui. The name is "btlaunchmany".

You will need access to the hard disk with read permissions (right click in the desktop icons). Then launch a console, move to the selected disk (cd /mnt/hda1) and launch the bt client:

btlaunchmay .

The "." is to indicate to the program where the torrent files will be and where to download the files. finally get some torrents and save them in the selected hard disk. The client will begin to download any torrent file found in the selected directory.

08-06-2004, 06:55 PM
you sure btdownloadcurses doesn't work?

08-07-2004, 04:40 AM
you sure btdownloadcurses doesn't work?

being honest! I only tried btdownloadgui. Didn't work, ask for some obscure libraries. Then , tried btlaunchmany, and succesfull, so, I didn't try more. But, I'll give a chance to btdownloadcurses