View Full Version : Config 5.1 Surroun System

07-30-2004, 01:50 PM
I would like configure my 5.1 Surround System under Knoppix.
In Windows under the control panel i can select the box type (in this case 5.1 Sound System). But how can i do this in knoppix?

I already configure my sound card. Knoppix find it automatically. But i hear sound only from 2 boxes........

What can i do?
(I am new in linux please give me not complicated answers....)

07-30-2004, 03:43 PM

Not sure about this, but, I don't think OSS is going to do it for you...

I think you might want to use ALSA ( I think the acronym stands for Advance Linux Sound Archetecture, but don't quote me on it )

I don't think OSS has the ability, nor do I think you will find a "easy" way of doing it by simply "clicking" on a box, like in Windows... I have been "monitoring" an email news group on alsa, and many questions on setting up 5.1 sound systems are frequent... It usually requires getting "alsa" working on Knoppix first, then "tinkering" with configuration files, to gain "plug-ins" - like on a patch-panel of a mixing board, re-mapping certain connectors to speakers connections, like Line-Out = Front Speakers, Line-In = Rear Speakers, and Mic-In = Center + Sub Speakers, kind of thing...

To get alsa support sound working on a Live-CD boot of Knoppix - just add the alsa cheatcode on your boot: prompt, and it should be using ALSA instead of OSS... As for what files you have to "tinker" with, or change, you might do a Search Knoppix.net with the keyword alsa, to see previous posts on this forum of the subject, and, lastly, here is the link to getting yourself added to the ALSA email news group - if you subscribe, you can post email questions on your configuration, and get responses to them...........


Hope this helps, and, good luck,
Ms. Cuddles

07-30-2004, 08:57 PM
I find this, but it's not free ?

07-30-2004, 09:45 PM
Well it seems to be possible for free too: http://alsa.opensrc.org/faq/#FAQ028
But don't ask me what to do with that as I only have a el cheapo stereo speaker system.

11-19-2004, 11:48 PM
I have Knoppix, I installed all the ALSA packages and configured them by what ALSA said, that and installing them through apt-get, asks you questions about your sound card. To the point, I'm using gamix for my ALSA mixer, I also have a 6 channel speaker system.

How I got 5.1 working on my system, I either use Xine or Kaffeine for a mediaplayer, Using defaults in the prefferances, except in audio tab, I have it on Surround 5.1. Now on gamix I have to have volumes turn alll the way up on Master Playback, Surround Playback, Center, LFE. On the IEC958 spot I have output checked and the bar is all the way to the right. SPDIF source is on Digital, I don't have Duplicate Front checked. I do have External Amplifier checked, finally I have Audio Data Type on AC3. After gamix is configured that way I then adjust the volumes on my speakers to control rear fading and front volumes levels and over all levels.

Well I hope this helped some people out, took me a while to figure it out myself.