View Full Version : "Knoppix TestCD" 1 out of 58 failed HELP!

07-31-2004, 02:12 PM
Ok Im a n00b when it comes to Linux. But My computer wont boot sometimes and other times it will. So I ran "Knoppix TestCD" and it said the on the " KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX" line that it failed. What does this mean? Help please. Also, does anyone know how to get my Linksys WPC55AG to connect to my wireless internet? Ive tried somethings but im sure im not doing it right. Thanks!

PS I know also that the "Konsole" or the link to the terminal or whatever is not working. So i cant view my terminal.

07-31-2004, 04:56 PM
If testcd fails that means the cd is defect, its probably just a bad burner/media, there is nothing you can do besides reburn.

Also alot of wireless cards don't work so your not alone.

user unknown
08-01-2004, 03:06 AM
So i cant view my terminal.
With <ctrl>+<alt>+<FN>, n being one of 1,2,3,4,5,6 you can switch to different console-terminals. (F means FunctionKey).
With <alt>+<FN> you switch between consoles, when you're not in X11-mode.
I guess Alt-N is historically older, and in X11 they decided to use Alt-N for other commands - Alt-F4 usually terminates an application.

Classical linux system used to use 1-6 for normal terminal sessions, and reserved No. 7 for X11.
Dr. Knopper decided by some reason, not known to me, to make M != 7 but - I'm not sure to remember correctly - 5 (or 3?). Perhaps counting beyond 5 is difficult for him :) .
Also there aren't 6 consoles setup, but only 5 (or 3?).

One of the consoles is occupied by the logmessages of X11, so you might see some suspicious messages on that console about X11...

On console 1 aka tty1 you may see the last bootlog-messages.
I guess there is no login-prompt when booting from cd.

08-01-2004, 04:26 AM
ok i downloaded an update for NERO and everything works like a charm noww, i guess it wasnt burning right. anywho, i found a web site that told how to hook up my card but i want to make a new thread to get help on it thanks guys