View Full Version : Problem on 32M RAM

03-17-2003, 11:52 AM
I'm trying to run Knoppix from a 32MB PC.
It goes to the boot screen, I press enter and the screen goes blank.
I pressed F2 and went to the cheatcodes screen, When I press enter there, it says "Ready!" and then freezes.

Can anyone help? I'm still new to Knoppix

03-18-2003, 02:53 AM
I'm trying to run Knoppix from a 32MB PC.
It goes to the boot screen, I press enter and the screen goes blank.
I pressed F2 and went to the cheatcodes screen, When I press enter there, it says "Ready!" and then freezes.

Can anyone help? I'm still new to Knoppix

What cheat codes did you try using?

Are there any other error messages you can report?

It's hard to reply with anything specific without any more info.

There are several things that might cause Knoppix to freeze up in the manner you describe:

- A bad CD. Try this at boot 'knoppix testcd.' If you have a bad cd , you may need to download another cd or try reburning the image you have (possibly at a slower speed).

- Bios Settings. I have seen a lot of posts on this board in which problems have been due to things being enabled in your bios that prove buggy to Knoppix. For example you may want to disable plug and play hardware detection.

You may also want to try the "failsafe" boot option. This will boot with (almost) no hardware detection. If it is able to boot then you can try disabling things like usb until you find out what the problem is.

With only 32 MB I highly suggest using some other desktop manager than KDE. Even still don't expect it to be too fast. Since you have such a small amount of memory, you will be asked if you want to create a swap partition. You should deffinitely agree to this.

Post back with any successes/failures you have had.

03-18-2003, 12:27 PM
Don't worry, it booted with failsafe, so there must be some sort of hardware that's preventing it to boot. I will try to figure that out later.

But thanx anyway.