View Full Version : HELP with figuring out what this guy is saying

08-01-2004, 04:39 AM
Ok, heres the deal. The WEB site below says my card will work and all with knoppix but i dont understand what hes saying cause im a n00b to linux. so if anyone can walk me through how to get my wireless card to work, i would have to love you. ( or just thank you )


08-01-2004, 12:04 PM
Your going to need a little information first so just read then do it.

I created a root password by going to the Knoppix menu, selecting Root shell, typing su to become root, then typing

passwd to create a root password.
If you don't know where the root shell is just hit ctrl-alt-F2 then type passwd. Input a password (it won't show it to


Next, I ran picked the Knoppix Network/Internet/Wavelan configuration menu choice. For ath0, the device designation of

my adapter, I entered an ESSID, mode (managed), channel number, and the hex encryption key I wanted to use.

I figure that essid is the same as ssid? Anyway, unless you changed something then this is probably going to be what you

enter, ESSID= default, mode= managed(useing an AP), channel number=6, and hex key(for WEP) is nothing.

As root, I edited /etc/resolv.conf to include the IP address of my Netgear router as nameserver:

# Insert nameservers here
# nameserver

search my.cablecompany.net

open up Konsole (its at the bottom, a black box) and type sudo su (will just su work?) then type kwrite and open up the file

called resolv.conf in the folder etc. Find this line

# Insert nameservers here
# nameserver and then type in your primary DNS (it can be found through windows or through you

router if you have one, look the manual for details as to how. Though it is probably on the stat page of the router.) type

it in the form of nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx replaceing the x's with the numbers (you could have only two number instead

of three which would make it nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx)

Still as root, I edited /etc/network/interfaces to configure a static IP for the wireless network adapter. It was

easier to configure ath0 as static than to deal with DHCP. Strangely, the transmit power had to be specified, which is 17dbm

or 50mW for this card:

#/etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface ath0 inet static
wireless_essid youressidname
wireless_mode managed
wireless_key xxxxxxxxxx
wireless_channel 9
wireless_txpower 50mW

I would suggest trying DCHP first rather then putting it in manualy. If DCHP doesn't work you will have to do it manualy.

When I finished configuring my desktop, colors, and wallpaper, I saved the Knoppix configuration on a 32MB FAT-

formatted Compact Flash (CF) card I added to the machine via a PC Card adapter. You can also use the hard drive to save

configuration data. To do either, go to the Knoppix menu, select Configure, then Save the Knoppix configuration. Check all

the selections to save everything, then select which hard drive or removable media to save to.

To use the saved configuration, enter a cheat code at the startup prompt: Knoppix myconfig=/mnt/hdxx, where the device

specified is the one you chose to save to. Once the operating system is loaded, go to the terminal program, type su to become

root, then type ifup ath0 to activate the wireless adapter. You can type route in the terminal window as root to verify the

kernel routings if there are problems with your edits.

All this basicy is, is saving your config for later use. He is useing a compact flash card though you could use a floppy if

you wished.
Though If you use a floppy I would suggest typing floppyconfig at startup rather then config=scan.

After you reboot with your saved settings, get into root again, then type type ifup ath0 to start it up.

I think thats basicly it.

Good Luck.

08-01-2004, 07:43 PM
ok sweet thank you. but im just wondering. will i be able to connect to other net works or will i have to do things over again because wont this make my card only able to work at home?

08-02-2004, 03:34 AM
ahh its working, i didnt do what this guy said instead i found it on a different site. i found how to get my card to work without editing everything so i thought i would just let eveyone know. there is a sticky thread in the networking forum on a simple n00b HOWTO. laterz