View Full Version : Cannot access hd after installing persistent home 0.4

Civil Eng
03-17-2003, 11:53 PM
I'll start off by asking everyone's forgiveness for the fact that I will be hard to help. I am the ultimate newbie and just recently became a convert to the beauty that is Knoppix, and Linux in general.

So here's my problem. I have been running Knoppix 3.1 happily for a week now, and decided I'd give KPH 0.4 a try. It all works great, saving my settings and all, but now when I boot into KDE 3.0, my mnt/hde1 drive is ALWAYS mounted, but not really mouted because I can't see anything when I try and click on the icon, it simply shows "0 directories, 0 files, 0 bytes". What's more, I cannot Unmount the drive, instead I get the error:
Could not unmount device.
The reported error was:
umount: /mnt/hde1: device is busy

SO, I had a similar problem previously after rebooting using save configuration and knoppix floppyconfig at the boot: prompt, but I could always unmount and then remount the drive in order to get access. Any ideas what's changed? Could it be that my persistent home is the process (job??? I'm not sure of the proper term) that's running? That kind of defeats the purpose if it is, doesn't it?

Anyways, I've tried setting a passwd with alt+ctrl+F1 and listing the jobs as su, but the command litterally just returns me to a root user prompt without error or any other info.

Please help! I love knoppix, but I really do need to be able to access my HD!!!

Thanks in advance!

Civil Eng
03-18-2003, 01:53 PM
Hello All;

I went ahead and found my own solution. :D I used partition magic, the free and independant version (which is a great shareware program by the way, you can download it at www.ranish.com), and created an extra drive that is only 200 MB in size, I figure that'll be plenty since I am happy with all the software on the Knoppix CD and can't really see myself needing more...

*sigh* Famous last words....