View Full Version : dirty source.list

08-04-2004, 05:28 PM
Well, as a tipical for a newbie....I have touched my soure.list because rediris mirrors are not working. :shock:

My problem is that I dont really know what I should have in this file.
Anyone can give a clean source.list for my 3.4 which is "spanished" by Victor Alonso.

Thanks a lot.


08-04-2004, 11:29 PM
These work for me. Try out apt-spy to generate a sources.list that is more suited to your own location. Oh and .....

#deb http://archive.progeny.com/debian/ sid main

deb http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/debian/ unstable main
deb-src http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/debian/ unstable main

08-05-2004, 12:09 AM
Thanks for your effort....but the prompt gave me this:

root@20[apt]# apt-get update
Err http://sluglug.ucsc.edu unstable/main Packages
Temporary failure resolving 'sluglug.ucsc.edu'

I wait for your comments.

These work for me. Try out apt-spy to generate a sources.list that is more suited to your own location. Oh and .....

#deb http://archive.progeny.com/debian/ sid main

deb http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/debian/ unstable main
deb-src http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/debian/ unstable main