View Full Version : Help - need XF86Config file

03-18-2003, 12:32 PM
Is there some kind soul here on this forum who could post me a suitable XF86Config file as my file has no entries in it to check/edit.
These details maybe of help -
Card : Cirrus logic 5446 compatible graphics adapter
Monitor : Packard Bell - model 1408se (Nov 1994) 50-60hz
Current settings : 800x600, 24bit resolution

Any other :idea:'s welcome to help me get my screen display sorted.

03-18-2003, 04:56 PM
With your CL card I would expect that you should be able to run with the vesa driver, are you using any boot options (cheat codes) to startup?
Have you tried something like:

knoppix vga=normal screen=800x600 xmodule=vesa

if that still doesn't work try the 3.3 xserver with the boot option: xserver=XF86_SVGA like this:

knoppix vga=normal screen=800x600 xserver=XF86_SVGA



03-18-2003, 07:52 PM
I just booted knoppix on an old computer of mine with a Cirrus Logic video card, it didn't run correctly with the XFree86 (v4.x) xserver, but it runs OK when I start up using:

knoppix vga=normal screen=800x600 xserver=XF86_SVGA

I only have 32MB of RAM in this computer, but I do have a linux swap partition on a hd in the computer, I use the following boot parameters:

knoppix vga=normal screen=800x600 xserver=XF86_SVGA desktop=icewm

then I have a usable system, KDE is just too big to be usable unless you have at least 64MB of RAM.
