View Full Version : Setting up broadband connection

08-06-2004, 03:27 PM
Hello all. I am running Knoppix from a cd. I am trying the to use the internet on Knoppix. I have a broadband (384Kbps) connection. I follow the instructions from the tutorial but still no success. Any solutions? Thanks.

08-06-2004, 05:28 PM
Did you configure the network card? Go to Start menu.....to KNOPPIX....and look in there for the network card configuration.....it is simple to do. Just click on the network card configuration, a small terminal screen will pop up and ask if you want to initialize dhcp....I answer YES and it says OK.....then close window and click on one of your browsers and see if it connects.

Harry Kuhman
08-06-2004, 06:56 PM
Hello all. I am running Knoppix from a cd. I am trying the to use the internet on Knoppix. I have a broadband (384Kbps) connection. I follow the instructions from the tutorial but still no success. Any solutions? Thanks.
The absolutely best solution for any broadband user is to spend a very small amount on a DSL/Cable router. These used to cost over $100, but now many can be had for as low as $10 or less (often after rebate). The router will take care of any login or other connection issues and will serve as a DHCP server. You just fire up Knoppix from the CD and (assuming some software company who hates Linux hasn't mucked with your NIC eeprom) Knoppix connects without any extra work on your part.

In addition, a router provides an extra level of firewall, and keeps uninvited and unwanted internet access off your computer, no matter what OS you happen to be running at any moment. Also, almost all home routers include a 4 port switch, which will make it easy to add other computers to a home network or to allow a friend to share your Internet connection and transfer files between you and him if he brings over a notebook. And in the $9.99 to $29.99 price range you can often even get a wireless router, which includes all of the above (including the 4 wired ports) as well as support for wireless connection (wireless connections in Linux and Knoppix are very dependent on the type of wireless card or interface your computer uses; please read the many posts in this forum about wireless access issues before buying a wireless card or just posting yet another "I can't get wireless to work" message).

As to brands, Linksys is one of the best known, but I like the features offered by D-Link better, and their price is much more attractive. Functional but less feature rich than D-Link is the SMC line. Netgear works but has some reasonably significant problems, and Belkin comes in close to or at the bottom.

08-06-2004, 07:51 PM
Hi Harry.....I have a Linksys router connected to my cable internet. I want to be able to network my laptop and desktop, both running Knoppix 3.4.

I have the laptop, my desktop, and my wifes desktop hooked up to the ports on the router. I just want to be able to access my desktop from the laptop and vice versa.....I have no experience with networking computers together. I did post a message on here previously on this but still need help. What would be the SIMPLEST way to do this? I would like to use my desktop as the HOST and my laptop as CLIENT. I would like to be able to transfer files back and forth between the two. My laptop HOSTNAME is GATEWAY and my desktop HOSTNAME is HOME. Those are the names I chose at the time for lack of something better. I need STEP BY STEP instructions on how to get the 2 computers communicating with each other. Some of the suggestions others had posted are too confusing cause i dont know how to do this. I dont plan to add wifes computer to the equation. Just my 2. OK well if you could help me with this I would be grateful...thank you...bob58

Harry Kuhman
08-06-2004, 08:15 PM
....I have a Linksys router ..... I want to be able to network my laptop and desktop, both running Knoppix 3.4.

.... I just want to be able to access my desktop from the laptop and vice versa.....
Sorry, bob58 (can I just call you 58?), but I'm not a Linux heavy and don't have the answers for you. I transfer files between systems on my network using windows all of the time. I have accessed files on my windows system with Knoppix without much trouble as well. I've also used the VNC client (and server) in Knoppix, which gave me a handy way recently to maintain my main desktop in my office while I was ill and confined to bed, but I don't think that's what you're looking for. I have only run Knoppix from CD, and I have not done any Knoppix to Knoppix networking.

Just what you mean by "access my desktop" is not clear from the above. If you want a windows type file sharing then you might want to run a FTP server on the system you want to be able to share files from. Linux should give you ways to actually log into the other computers (something I can't do with my win98 desktop), but I'm not the right person to talk you through this. The VNC server may give you a quick and dirty way to "access the desktop", but I suspect there are other tools that may be more focused on what you want. I hope other more experienced than I can answer your questions.

08-06-2004, 08:56 PM
whizkid25, tell us 1st if you're connecting through USB or ethernet. I suppose you have a working internet connection from windows, so from a CMD prompt type "ipconfig/all > ipcfg.txt", then post the content of ipcfg.txt

bob58, you shouldn't hijack someone else's thread; it's confusing for everyone. Check your other thread where we'll try to sort out your problem.

08-06-2004, 09:30 PM
Hi Harry.....I have a Linksys router connected to my cable internet. I want to be able to network my laptop and desktop, both running Knoppix 3.4.

I have the laptop, my desktop, and my wifes desktop hooked up to the ports on the router. I just want to be able to access my desktop from the laptop and vice versa.....I have no experience with networking computers together. I did post a message on here previously on this but still need help. What would be the SIMPLEST way to do this? I would like to use my desktop as the HOST and my laptop as CLIENT. I would like to be able to transfer files back and forth between the two. My laptop HOSTNAME is GATEWAY and my desktop HOSTNAME is HOME. Those are the names I chose at the time for lack of something better. I need STEP BY STEP instructions on how to get the 2 computers communicating with each other. Some of the suggestions others had posted are too confusing cause i dont know how to do this. I dont plan to add wifes computer to the equation. Just my 2. OK well if you could help me with this I would be grateful...thank you...bob58

Assuming you have started ssh on both machines (/etc/init.d/ssh start) then all you need to do is open Konqueror and type fish:// and it will prompt you for the user name and password once entered then you will have access to the files. If split the window in Konqueror before you connect then you can drag and drop the file(s) for transfer. You would of course change the IP in the line for the one in use for the machine you are connecting to or if you have the name for the machine in your /etc/hosts file then you can use it to connect an example below.

[HappyTux:/home/stephen]# cat /etc/hosts localhost HappyTux DocTux BashfulTux SleepyTux GrumpyTux knoppixtest DoopeyTux
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
# (added automatically by netbase upgrade)

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

So with this file if I want to connect to then I can use fish://DocTux and get the password/login prompt.

08-06-2004, 10:25 PM
hi, from melbourne here. im currently using knoppix 3.2. the thing is that it says that my machine does not have any networking adapter installed instead of sayin Nvidia Nforce MCP onboard networking adapter :( . any idea fellas?

08-07-2004, 08:17 AM
whizkid25, tell us 1st if you're connecting through USB or ethernet. I suppose you have a working internet connection from windows, so from a CMD prompt type "ipconfig/all > ipcfg.txt", then post the content of ipcfg.txt

bob58, you shouldn't hijack someone else's thread; it's confusing for everyone. Check your other thread where we'll try to sort out your problem.

well I am connection through an ethernet port. I already have an ADSL modem. It works great with Win XP Pro.

08-07-2004, 08:47 AM
Well bob58....I followed your instructions...and now it works? Hooray! Thanks all for your help. Really appreciate it. ^_^