View Full Version : SB Live and US robotics modem not working...please help!

03-18-2003, 03:49 PM
Hello all, i am a noob at all of this linux stuff and first off id like to say im extremely impresseb by knoppix. It recognized all of my hardware correctly, but my sound and modem arent working. I have a PCI SB live sound card hooked to a boston speaker setup via digital out. My modem is a USR performance pro hardware PCI modem. Knoppix shows both of these on the PCI info but i couldnt get them to work. Said something about needing to be root? i dunno...

any help would be greatly appreciated,

my system: 1.4 P4 384 mb ram gforce 2

03-18-2003, 09:00 PM
You will have to set up your modem manually, as pci modems use non-standard serial ports (usually /dev/ttyS4, Com5 in DOS terms), look in windows to see which serial port it is set up on and then set up the corresponding serial port in linux. Do some searching here or on google, you probably should have the actual modem model number handy.

As far as your SB-Live card, again you'll have to do some searching.

you'll have to use the sudo command from a terminal window in your X session to run a command as root, ex:

sudo sndconfig

to run the sound card configuration tool

or you could press <CTRL><ALT> <F2> to go to a root console and run root commands from there, then press <CTRL><ALT> <F5> to get back to your X session.



03-18-2003, 10:48 PM

thanks alot for the info. Ive done some searching for my modem USR5610B and ill try what you have suggested. As far as the sound card goes, it may be as simple as my settings in kmix are off. When i try to play the demo music on the knoppix cd, i can see it playing on the player but hear nothing. Might be something simple, i hope.

thanks again,

03-19-2003, 05:30 AM
--To get to Root from KDE:
1. Start the Konsole shell (icon has a computer screen with a seashell)
2. ' sudo bash '

--To attempt configuring the modem with wvdial:
' wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf ' == (Also see ' man wvdial ')

--To exit your root shell (or any other shell) - hit Ctrl-D.

Hello all, i am a noob at all of this linux stuff and first off id like to say im extremely impresseb by knoppix. It recognized all of my hardware correctly, but my sound and modem arent working. I have a PCI SB live sound card hooked to a boston speaker setup via digital out. My modem is a USR performance pro hardware PCI modem. Knoppix shows both of these on the PCI info but i couldnt get them to work. Said something about needing to be root? i dunno...

any help would be greatly appreciated,

my system: 1.4 P4 384 mb ram gforce 2

03-20-2003, 12:52 AM
you did remember to follow the FAQ and check the "Plug N Play Bios = No" option. That is a Must for SBLive boards! Both of my sysems won't work without it!

03-20-2003, 03:42 PM
I gave it another try last night and got my modem up and running in about 3 minutes. Just had to find the com port it was on. I went to the root terminal and entered the following:

setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq 11
ln /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem

I went back in and configured kppp and was up and running! Thanks alot for all your help. I must say i really enjoy linux. ive been stuck in the windows rut so long i forgot what it was like to actually have control over your computer.....

Now for the sound card....
I messed around with it for a while and configured it, but still no sound. I have boston accoustic digital speakers connected to my sblive, does knoppix support digital audio out? I didnt try the analog out to see if that works, ill have to give that a try. I know in XP i had to enable digital out before they would work, do i have to do the same in knoppix (KDE)?

thanks again, my newbie linux experience has been great so far!