View Full Version : Installing Netzero.deb

08-07-2004, 02:52 AM
I 'm using Knoppix and I have a usb pen drive which is set as home directory.

I downloaded the linux version of netzero which is netzero.deb but I can't install it. I need a step by step procedure of doing this. I'm a total newbie to linux.

08-07-2004, 05:32 AM
Please give the URL where you downloaded netzero.deb

08-07-2004, 11:00 AM
Here tells you how about half way down the page il quote
the thread from MEPIS forums
Google is your friend :)


If you got Mepis and want to download the Netzero.deb file, if you are already a member that is, go to netzero.com and select your OS as Lindows, then click the netzero icon in the upper left it resets a value or something takes you to the Lindows download.

NetZero is available on Lindows for Platinum users only. :evil:

Maybe some one can make it Available if its GPL

08-08-2004, 11:23 PM
The follwing _might_ work (I could not test it since I have no NetZero account, please post your success):

wget http://software.lindows.com/emptypool//lindowsos/pool/main/l/lindowsos-dialer-netzero/lindowsos-dialer-netzero_1.0.3.tar.gz
unp lind*
java -jar lindowsos-dialer-netzero/jvlclient.jar


cp ./lindowsos-dialer-netzero/knzppp-lindows $HOME/.kde/share/config/kppprc
kppp -q -c NetZero

08-09-2004, 09:02 PM
NetZero is available on Lindows for Platinum users only. :evil:

Well THAT makes a whole lot of damn sense, now doesn't it!! OBVIOUSLY, Linux users are going to be much more willing to pay for the premium version of dialup service than are Windows users - RIGHT?? :roll:

jd (former NetZero free user)