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View Full Version : Trouble with Lilo

08-07-2004, 09:12 PM
I have 2 hard drives. The first hd has a fat32 partition (with windows98 installed), and a NTFS partition (with windows XP installed).
The second hard drive has a linux ext3 partition, a linux swap partition and an ntfs partition.
I installed knoppix on the linux partition.
The first time I installed it, I put Lilo on the MBR. When I did this, and tried to boot into XP from Lilo, I got the XP startup screen, and then I got an error saying "autochk not found" or something like that. so I did a fixmbr and removed Lilo from the MBR. XP still would not load. So I booted win98, and ran PartitionMagic. There, I saw what I thought could be the problem: the NTFS partition which XP was installed on was hidden. so I un-hid it, and rebooted... and xp booted normally.
So, I figured I wouldn't bother to put Lilo on the MBR. I re-installed knoppix, and tried putting it on the root partition instead. After doing this, Lilo does not come up at all.

So the questions are:
Does Lilo hide the NTFS partition when put on the MBR?
And how can I get Lilo to load without hiding the NTFS partition so that I can boot XP?

Could someone give me some assistance?

08-07-2004, 09:15 PM
Oh gyad, how much times I press dat submit button dread?
way... sorry there... :oops: