View Full Version : automatic drive mounting??

03-18-2003, 11:06 PM
When I boot from the CD all drives are automaticaly mounted and unmounted as needed. And there's icons on the desktop for all the drives and partiations that are accessible.

I just installed to the HDD and everything seems to run fine but I have to manualy mount unmount everything which is a pain. Where did the function go? did I do something wrong in setup or is there something I needto enable? If it matters, I'm useing version 3.1 and installed with knx-hdinstall

03-19-2003, 01:23 AM
This is becomming a FAQ so I copied the text below to the FAQInstall

Those who are more familiar with mounting, please check it for accuracy.

Floppy and cdrom are not mounted because Knoppix mounts them in the root "/" directory. You will see them there. Also look at your /etc/fstab file. It will show where and how they are mounted. i.e.:

/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

Because of the "noauto" option in the fsab file they are not automatically mounted on boot. Remove the "noauto" option to make them available.

The "Floppy disk" icon on the desktop points to the wrong mount point. Change its properties to reflect /floppy or change the mount point in fstab to /mnt/floppy.

To mount from the command line:
mount /dev/cdrom /your/mount/point
mount /dev/fd0 /your/mount/point

Good Luck,


03-19-2003, 05:18 AM
--Actually you usually *want* the floppy and cdrom to be noauto. Otherwise if there's no disc in the drive, you get an error message when ' mount -a ' gets called by the init scripts.

This is becomming a FAQ so I copied the text below to the FAQInstall

Those who are more familiar with mounting, please check it for accuracy.

Floppy and cdrom are not mounted because Knoppix mounts them in the root "/" directory. You will see them there. Also look at your /etc/fstab file. It will show where and how they are mounted. i.e.:

/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

Because of the "noauto" option in the fsab file they are not automatically mounted on boot. Remove the "noauto" option to make them available.

The "Floppy disk" icon on the desktop points to the wrong mount point. Change its properties to reflect /floppy or change the mount point in fstab to /mnt/floppy.

To mount from the command line:
mount /dev/cdrom /your/mount/point
mount /dev/fd0 /your/mount/point

Good Luck,


03-19-2003, 05:32 AM
You want the noauto option there otherwise you will get a no medium found error ever time you boot. Unless of course you want to leave a floppy and a cdrom in the drives.

For the floppy the /mnt/floppy directory does not exist (at least on my machine) just delete the shortcut and create one that points to /floppy

03-19-2003, 05:35 AM
I guess I'll have to type faster :)

03-19-2003, 06:00 AM
Thanks for the correction. I removed my FAQ from the FAQInstall.

03-19-2003, 07:27 AM
I got my drives working by using what you guys told me about the locations and just making new links on the desktop that were set to auto mount when clicked. All is well now. thanks.

Now if only I had a real modem....