View Full Version : Noob requires help with file permissions after CDRom copy

08-09-2004, 05:48 AM
I am using Knoppix 3.4 using the Knoppix toram startup switch. I do this for speed and the ability to burn CD's. (I only have 1 CD Rom drive).

I installed and configured Firefox with my preferences, bookmarks and extensions just the way I like them. I then burned to a CD the Firefox program directories and the Firefox profile directories.

After rebooting to a fresh Knoppix instance I restored the Firefox program and profile directories to their rightful locations. However file permissions prevent me from making any profile modifications as I browse. I had to reset the permissions to allow anyone and any group to read and write to these directories and the program works as expected again. Note that the owner had read/write permissions, but apparently that wasn't me anymore.

After copying the files from my custom CD it would appear that the files are for some reason read only, probably because that is their state on the CD. Is there a way to prevent me having to change file permissions after copying these file onto the ramdisk? When copying files from the CD I didn't see any options to change the way they would be written to the destination directory. My Linux ignorance abounds.

Advice is most welcome in helping me to avoid the file permission annoyance. I can get round it but I'd prefer a smarter approach.

BTW. I really like Knoppix. Especially now that I can carry around a copy of my favorite browser and extensions with it wherever I go.