View Full Version : A few Remastering Questions

08-09-2004, 08:00 AM
I am trying to create a small distro of knoppix, kind of like feather but more specific to my needs. Anyone know the what files are needed min for linux with a GUI? I am planning on using fluxbox, anyone have any other suggestions for a GUI would be appriciated. I want to get this thing as small as possible. Also i need a small web browswer that has alot of features, like activeX, java script, just the basics needed for todays websites, any ideas?. Thnaks for any help you can provide. Oh, just one more thing, i am remastering off the latest version of KNOPPIX is there anyway to make the process of getting rid of packages i dont need quicker? Thanks agian


08-09-2004, 12:28 PM
just forget about activex on linux. It's MS only feature.

I did this the other way. I took BareX morphix and threw wmaker on it and utils using ibuild.