View Full Version : :?:Getting external USB HDD to work

08-11-2004, 02:42 PM
Hi all,

I just got one Knoppix 3.4 CD and was playing around with it.

One problem i faced was to detect/use/see my 30GB external USB HDD attached to the machine.

I have no prior experience in linux or it commands.

So it wud be really helpful if someone can give some info how to get my USB HDD to work.

I don't want to boot from the USB HDD. i just want to transfer some files from the internal HDD to the USB HDD and viceversa.

Thanks in advance for any help. :D

08-12-2004, 02:45 PM
from one newbie to another :) - try this:

run a shell. Type (as root, I think)

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

This assumes you're connected to the first USB-port (sda1) and that you want to mount the first partition of that device (sda1)

if the dir /mnt/sda1 does not exist you have to create first, like so

mkdir /mnt/sda1

My problem here is that I only get access to the file system as root. Maybe you'll work something out though :)

08-12-2004, 10:09 PM
If you boot with the drive attached to your computer, Knoppix should see it and create an icon for it on your desktop. All you need to do then is click on the icon (maybe sda1 or something like that). You will have to right click on the icon and change permisions if you want to write to the drive. Otherwise, you will only be able to read from it.