View Full Version : No desktop

08-11-2004, 04:02 PM
For some reason, when I boot up knoppix, It does all of the stuff it needs to do, but it doesnt take me to the desktop..Just a full screen terminal..

Can anyone help?

08-11-2004, 05:27 PM
Sounds like you need to use a cheat code to pass the proper parameters to your hardware. Tell us about your video card and monitor. You can find the cheat codes in the Docs.

08-11-2004, 09:56 PM
Well, I have a laptop with a 15.4 inch screen.

The video card...

A radeon IGP 354M w/64 mb of memory

Also..If it helps, I was going over to my mom's (different IP or something?(my parents are divorced)), and I was in the terminal, and typed "shutdown now"..it said "sending all proceses the TERM signal", then froze up, so I had to use a hard shutdown...If that makes a difference..It was working before when I was @ my dad's..

08-12-2004, 08:49 PM
Can anyone help? :(

08-12-2004, 09:40 PM
I presumed you were running the live cd. If so it shouldn't make any difference how it shut down. If running from hdd install then it *may* matter.

When you boot the disc on subsequent attempts are you using any cheat codes? Perhaps try:

knoppix xmodule=radeon

Or perhaps another cheat code or combination of codes. They can be found here: http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/CheatCodes

Usually it should provide an error message when it fails to start X (x-windows). Post the error please.

08-12-2004, 10:46 PM
I'm not running from the CD. I'm running from the HD. It has all the hardware info saved on it. So, I'm not sure why it wouldnt work, because It was working, like, ten minutes before..

I also have no clie how to enter the cheat codes..=/

08-12-2004, 11:07 PM
Tell me, do you have a user login at the full screen terminal you get after booting?

If you do, you can login, and type the command:


or even:

X :0.0 | xterm -display :0.0 -e startkde

Then, you should have a desktop, unless something has gone terribly wrong with your installation.

Also, you may wan't to post any errors you get at bootime (if any), and, or, any errors while trying to start X (only if you have a login of course).

08-12-2004, 11:14 PM
The only error I get with the full-screen terminal (or what I think is an error), is, unstable tty..But that's it..

EDIT: Thanks! Startx works! Is there a way to get that to boot up automatially?

08-12-2004, 11:47 PM
Thanks! Startx works! Is there a way to get that to boot up automatially?

Run ksysv as root, and you can edit your init (the programs which are started automaticly at bootime). It should include the program kdm.

Here is where kdm appears on mine, you can edit your's correspondingly (simply drag and drop, programs are to your left):
Runlevel 2 (kdm should be underneath rmnologin)
Runlevel 3 (kdm should be underneath rmnologin)
Runlevel 4 (kdm should be underneath rmnologin)
Runlevel 5 (kdm should be underneath rmnologin)
Stop (underneath Runlevel 0, kdm should be first)
Stop (underneath Runlevel 6, kdm should be first)

If kdm is already in these places, then, most likely, something is killing your init at bootime.

08-13-2004, 12:39 AM
I'm sorry. I did not understand a WORD of that..lol

I'm fairly new to linux.. :?

08-13-2004, 02:12 AM
Okay, let's start from the beginning. Click on that big K on the panel, located at the bottom of the screen. Now go to system->ksysv; It will ask for your root password (eg. the the password you typed in while installing knoppix to your hard drive, NOT your user password).

Now you will be asked a couple questions about your system.
This part should be pretty straight forward:
Operating System = Linux
Distribution = Debian

After completing this step, you will be givin a window called SysV-Init editor.
Maximise this window, you will need a bit of space.

The next thing to do is check to see if kdm is in the boxes marked Runlevel 2, Runlevel 3, Runlevel 4, and Runlevel 5. If it's there, it will be located at the very bottom, just above rmnologin.

If you find it there, something is most likely causing init to crash during startup. If it isn't there, add it:

There's a box to the very left of you, called Available Services. Scroll down until you find kdm. Once you have found it drag it to the bottom of Runlevel 2, just above rmnologin. Do the same for Runlevels 3-5.

Now that we have that done, we need to drag it to the box that says Stop, which is located under Runlevel 0, make sure it's the first one in the list. Do the same for the box Stop, located under Runlevel 6. Do NOT add it to Stop under Runlevel 1.

now click on file->save; you are now finished.

- hope this will help

08-13-2004, 02:14 AM
Try check your /etc/initab.
Check at the top and you will see something like this:

# The default runlevel.

Change the id:X:initdefault: to above if it is different.

When you install knoppix from konsole ( not entering kde or X ) you usually will get something like:

Also make sure yout /etc/rc5.d has a symlink to kdm (S99kdm) as mention by turbinater.

Durand Hicks
08-13-2004, 04:25 AM
The quickest, easiest way to put the symlinks in the rc directories is to do this as root in a console:
dpkg-reconfigure kdm
apt-get install --reinstall kdm
Either one will put the correct symlinks in the rc directories in the proper default order.



08-13-2004, 10:09 PM
Thanks a bunch for the great help, guys!

For some reason, after I used the command to turn on the desktop, the next time I rebooted, it went straight to it..So I'm not sure what was wrong there, but anyways, it's working! :D

08-14-2004, 07:22 AM
You need to disable autologin in in your login in manager under Control Center.