View Full Version : Background of menu items, after remaster

08-12-2004, 03:44 PM
I've made a remastered Knoppix by removing some large items and adding some custom software. Afterward booting my new CD, the background of all of the menu items become transparent until you move the mouse over the menu item. Is this caused by a package I removed, or is this a known bug? Any ideas are appreciated!


08-12-2004, 10:08 PM
Try this: make a new remastered version without running "apt-get update" and see if that causes the menus to look funny.

Good news: I tried this experiment (did not run "apt-get update") and the menus are fine. The remastered image was over 700 MB, but I used the over-burn option in xcdroast, and it worked fine. SO, it looks like there is an updated package that breaks something in Knoppix 3.4 2004-05-17.

So, for now, I just won't update the packages.


08-13-2004, 03:37 PM
Transparent menus are a KDE 'feature'. What is happening is that something is causing KDE to set this feature on as default. Just go to control center, find the appropriate setting ( I think it's under 'appearance>styles' but I can't remember & I'm on a win system right now) & disable translucent menus.
BTW, did you mean apt-get upgrade, not apt-get update? apt-get update doesn't do anything that could break your system; it merely updates the list of available packages.

08-13-2004, 04:09 PM
Transparent menus are a KDE 'feature'. What is happening is that something is causing KDE to set this feature on as default. Just go to control center, find the appropriate setting ( I think it's under 'appearance>styles' but I can't remember & I'm on a win system right now) & disable translucent menus.
BTW, did you mean apt-get upgrade, not apt-get update? apt-get update doesn't do anything that could break your system; it merely updates the list of available packages.

The menus aren't just transparent, but transparent with wacky background color reversal. The menus become impossible to read. I'm not sure what I did differently, but now it is working for me.