View Full Version : mplayer and other players

08-14-2004, 10:06 AM
I'm forced to use knoppix couse i cannot boot any system from my master HD. Knoppix hs been great. Everything seems to work fine.

My question is. Can i install somehow mplayer and some player that will play .rm and .ram files.

Don't forget, i'm booting the system from live CD not from HD, i know that it would be easy if i'm booting from HDD.

I have a lot of ram. 1Gb of ram and 1.8ghz .

One more question. Knoppix is up like 48 hours (from cd). Is that dangerous for my hardware??

If it is posable to install players like real one and mplayer, please don't just answer "yes" go little more further :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

08-14-2004, 01:57 PM
22 veiws and nobody has repied yet :(

08-14-2004, 04:08 PM
I believe you can use klik to install realplayer 10 to your home directory when running from cd. I do not believe running from cd 48 hours will damage your system. You may want to look at configuring persistant home in the doc section. Here are some links.

08-14-2004, 07:18 PM
I don't believe leaving knoppix up, is hard on your hardware any more than leaving any os up. The only hardware that would be affected any more is the cd-rom. Even then the cd won't be spinning up the whole time. It only spins up when the os calls for something off the disk. If it sits idle for long periods of time the wear is minimal. BTW if wear is an issue consider this, cd-roms are considerably cheaper than hd's.

as for your first ? I would make a persistant home directory as DuckDodgers recomended. That way you can install the mplayer or real player once and forget about it. You would still be booting from cd.

PS. why don't you rebuild the MBR or reformat the hd and try to make it bootable? Did this happen when you tried to install a second or third os?

08-14-2004, 07:59 PM
I had windows on hda1 and i installed mandrake linux on hda5 (hda2 is extended partition and hda3 and hda4 are SWAPs partitions i believe.

After i installed mandrake i could boot linux but i coulden't boot windows so i reinstalled windows without formating partiton C:/ (hda1).

I got the same error message both times "disc read error has occured". Only difference is that i couldn't boot any system from HDD.

I tried "fixboot" and "fixmbr" using XP install disc but nothing.

Only thing i didn't try is fdisk /mbr . I do not have bootable floppy.

Any suggestions??

08-16-2004, 04:55 AM
I had windows on hda1 and i installed mandrake linux on hda5 (hda2 is extended partition and hda3 and hda4 are SWAPs partitions i believe.

After i installed mandrake i could boot linux but i coulden't boot windows so i reinstalled windows without formating partiton C:/ (hda1).

I got the same error message both times "disc read error has occured". Only difference is that i couldn't boot any system from HDD.

I tried "fixboot" and "fixmbr" using XP install disc but nothing.

Only thing i didn't try is fdisk /mbr . I do not have bootable floppy.

Any suggestions??

Since you cannot boot any O/S, you've got nothing to lose. Repartition the drive (use the knoppix CD & cfisk or QTparted), make a hda1 for windows, hda5 for linux O/S, hda6 for swap, hda7 for data. Format each as appropriate but format hda7 VFAT so both windows & linux can access the data. Then HDinstall Knoppix on hda5.
BTW: hda3 & 4 are probably non existant. linux starts logical partitions numbers at hda5, so hda5 will be O/S, swap will be hda6 if there is one.
You could install persistent home & continue to run from CD but personally I would try to fix the hd. If you are reluctant to repartition & reformat because there is data on the drive, try to do a 'toHD' install which will free up the CD drive so you can backup the data.

08-18-2004, 07:45 AM
I have mandrake and you have to go into expert mode during the install and disk partitioning to set up the install otherwise my experience has been the same. Expert install allows you to make the necesary changes that could have kept you from doing this to your system. I advise most of the time that you install Lilo or grub to the Partition and NOT the mbr. I like them both particularly grub. With that said said my experience has been that windows doesn't like to play nice with other oses. NOTHING NEW! I recomend to a noob a third party windows based boot loader to manage the task. I know i'll get critisized for saying that but for those who don't want to wipe windows out (along with all their files) it is easier for the noob to use the fairly intuitive windows based third party software like bootmagic as a boot loader.

I use bootmagic at the mbr level and then use grub to load one of the 3 linux distros on my system. I'm sure Grub can do it all but I have windows apps i still use and I'm tired of reinstalling that POS os. I can only advise on what works for me

AS for your current situation burn your windows files on a cd from knoppix and just reformat the drive. Then go in and repartition prior to any installs. Then install windows first and linux second. since you have nothing to lose now you may want to use the Lilo or grub boot loader in the mbr to use a boot loader, they're free after all.