View Full Version : Spyware checking?

08-17-2004, 11:19 PM
What are some of the programs that we can use to check for viruses and spyware on knoppix? I've got a 3.3 hdd installation.

08-17-2004, 11:49 PM
Thats not something you have to worry about on linux for the most part, viruses are almost nonexistant, spyware is made for windows machines, now if your looking to scan a windows hardrive for such, then I can't help you.

08-18-2004, 03:05 AM
THere is a spyware/trojan for Linux and exist in a form of 'Root kits". And the only application I can found to eliminate this kind of attack is using 'chkrootkit'. You can read more from : http://www.chkrootkit.org/
You can download the program using apt-get install chkrootkit.

For antivirus, there is plenty out there. I use two antivirus in my system:
1) Clamav (it has daemon that runs in background)
2) F-prot (for scanning purposes only)

Why I use two antivirus? Because F-prot has gui (xfprot) but don't scan in background. ClamAV also has gui (klamav-still in alpha stage), but I seem cannot compile it. The only gui I manage to install is klamaktion which integrates into kde (but i don't consider this as a real gui rather than a script).

You can apt for clamav and f-prot. You may also want to apt for clamav-freshclam (clamav updater) and clamav-daemon.
:D :D :D

08-18-2004, 06:44 PM
Chkrootkit might give you false positives on LKM trojan with 2.6.x kernel. BTW, doesn't Knoppix come with chkrootkit installed?
I prefer rkhunter which you can install with:

wget -c http://downloads.rootkit.nl/rkhunter-1.1.5.tar.gz
tar -xvzf rkhunter-1.1.5.tar.gz
cd rkhunter

08-19-2004, 01:32 AM

You're right. Chrootkit indeed gives a false positive on LKM trojan.

A. Jorge Garcia
08-19-2004, 01:34 AM
Thats not something you have to worry about on linux for the most part, viruses are almost nonexistant, spyware is made for windows machines, now if your looking to scan a windows hardrive for such, then I can't help you.

This is true if you are using the liveCD, not a hdinstall, since you're running a ro fs!


08-19-2004, 04:22 PM
Just to ring in, if you have a Windows install, I find the following to be excellent "free-ware"...

Spybot - Search and Destroy
--- Works great to rip out those ad-ware and spy-ware junk - it also can search in your registry for links to stuff too... ( those Internet Explorer Menu-Bars are excellent removals with this )

AVast - you can get the "trial" version, and it does almost everything, even though it starts yelling about buying it - to get even more functionality - it still runs good, has Internet, mail, background scanning, and a scheduler - and all free-ware...

Before I "moved" to Linux, had these two in my arsenal - still do, on my backup "old" system, running Win98...

Ms. Cuddles