View Full Version : Easy Newbie Question

08-18-2004, 08:09 AM
Hello from Music City, USA!
Newbie to everything Linux here. I've been hearing about Linux from Kevin Rose and others on G4/TechTV and have decided to give this a try.

I've downloaded a 689 meg file named:
and burned it to a CD-R. I've gone into my bios and changed my settings to boot to CD first, but it pauses briefly when booting up, and the STILL goes into Windows XP.

I'm must be doing something foolishly wrong but I'm not sure what. Could someone please help me out?


Jivedaddy 8)

08-18-2004, 09:34 AM
Burn as image not as data.

08-18-2004, 10:42 AM
Burn as image not as data.

Heh :oops: That's the same mistake this newbie made ! :roll:

08-18-2004, 12:08 PM
How To Burn An ISO-Image:

08-19-2004, 03:31 AM
That did it! :D Thanks a bunch!

I was burning it (3 spent CD's) as a data file. Now it loads like a charm. I even tried it in my Toshiba notebook and it worked flawlessly.

Felt very weird to not be in Windows and on an open source OS. Almost like a rebel. :twisted:

Thanks, now I'll have to spend hours and hours messin' with it!


08-19-2004, 06:15 AM
If you use nero: when it starts up close the wizard dialog that up and from the main window choose the top toolbar item labeled "recorder". In the drop down list select "burn from image" navigate to the folder the iso is in and select it. The burn dialog will pop up. select burn and tell it to finalize the burn when done. That's it, reboot and this time it will boot knoppix.