View Full Version : knpx3.3 boots fine but knpx3.4 ....

08-19-2004, 11:01 PM
i can boot knoppix 3.3 (burned around december 2003) with no problems

however, when i try to boot knoppix 3.4 with boot=knoppix26, i get past searching for cdrom fine and then i get about 5 screens of "cloop: error -5" messages, a couple "bus error" and

/linuxrc: cannot create /var/run/utmp: directory nonexistent
kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root fs on ram3

if this is my hardware, then why does 3.3 boot every single time without problems?

this is on 430w, k8v se deluxe, amd64 3000+, corsair 1gb pc3200 ddr400, wd 200gb sata, lg 54x cdrom liteon ldw-811 dvdrw, 6800 gt 256meg, audigy 2 oem...

what gives? :( and i liked knoppix so.. sniff

08-19-2004, 11:12 PM
Look in the news forum for the posts announcing the (whichever) release of 3.4, and read from the beginning. IIRC, there were some problems with the initial release, and people were using various cheat codes to get around them. I seem to recall that "noscsi" was one of them, for example. Trying these various cheatcodes may help you to diagnose the problem. Even if you have the latest, some people have had to employ some of them.

Version 3.4 boots a little bit differently from prior versions, and I strongly suspect that the dual kernel file structure is causing some of these unforeseen problems, particularly w/r/t wlan cards.



08-20-2004, 12:34 AM
i just attempted knoppix26 noscsi with the same exact result... i get past everything fine, but then about 5-7 screens of cloop erros, bus errors, and the aforementioned (see 1st post) just like before..

ALSO, this is kind of weird

i am noticing a "hde" (and i could have sworn a couple of bad boots earlier it was "hdg") being recognized as a 200,000 MB ide hard drive

the only problem is, i have no ide hard drives plugged into the mobo -- but i do have a 200 gig SATA drive on the first sata plug (it says so on POST even)

now, what could THAT mean.... :/

08-20-2004, 12:39 AM

08-20-2004, 12:52 AM
ok well, (i hope noone gets ticked off at a link to another forum) i scoped around other forums and found finally a solution http://www.techseekers.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=726 over there... my sata was plugged into the via plugs, (the ones in an "| |" configuration), while it had to be plugged into the promise ones (the ones in an "- -" configuration)

i guess the via ones are for raid... so now i have my bios set up for the onboard promise enabled into ide mode, BUT....

now knoppix wont even show the "isolinux" loading screen, much less the boot= one...


edit: to clarify, when i switched my sata cable from the via plug to the promise one, but did not enable the onboard promise controller, knoppix booted (did not show any 200gig hde's or hdg's this time) and gave the usual 5-page cloop error report.

then with the onboard controller, it wouldnt even get to boot=.. trying my ancient winxp pro cd, it doesnt even get to "starting windows setup" -- it just soft reboots... (before, it would get as far as letting me f6 the sata drivers from a floppy, but would then either soft reboot on "starting windows" or would just hang)

(in my bios screen, there is still "none" under the 1st and 2nd masters (with cdrom drives on the slave slots))