View Full Version : cannot access internet after changing hi-speed ISP

08-21-2004, 01:45 AM
I hope someone may be able to help me with a problem accessing the internet using Knoppix 3.4 running from a CD.
I'm a newbie to Linux, and when I downloaded this program a few months ago, my ISP was the local cable company. Knoppix configured my high-speed connection automatically when I booted it from the CD. In fact, I even posted a message on this forum expressing my delight and amazement at this.
Now, however, I have switched to a high-speed telephone ISP to access the internet (Bell Sympatico, in Canada).
Since the switch, I cannot access any internet pages using Knoppix.
When I boot from the CD, my internet connection is no longer configured automatically, as it was with the cable modem.
So I try to configure the connection using the configuration wizard (and following instructions in the Knoppix online tutorial, which I printed out). The wizard seems, I think, to do this properly. It reports, for example, that it has found 1 ethernet device(s) eth0, and an access concentrator on eth0, etc.
I continue through the configuration procedure, and tell the wizard to start the connection. But I cannot access any website. Whenever I try, I just get the message "An error occurred while loading http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com. Unknown host www.xxxxxxxxxx.com
If I open a root shell and type "pppstatus" (as suggested in the tutorial) it looks to me as if I am connected, as the little black screen lists my IP address; top speed (0.05KB/s); Active Interface (ppp0); received packets . . .etc. . .
If, in the root shell, I type in "poff" I get the message "/usr/bin/poff: More than one pppd running and no -a option and no arguments supplied. Nothing stopped." I don't know what this really means (told you I was a newbie) so don't know if it is related to my problem or not.
If I type "pon dsl-provider" or "plog" in the root shell, nothing happens.
Something is wrong, as no matter what website I try to access (either with Mozilla or Konquerer) I get the same "error occurred" message.
If anyone can help with some simply worded advice, I sure would appreciate it.

08-21-2004, 02:01 AM
Do you have a router or is the modem connected to your computer directly? Cable is easy to set up because the high speed connection is like in many ways just plugging into a network. A DSL connection is similar but you may have to log onto the network. Many DSL routers use PPOE and you must configure knoppix to log on to the conection. I know there are many posts on this forum about adsl and ppoe. If your service requires your modem logon to the network, then that is the problem.

If you use a router then you may need to reset the router and make sure it shows a conection to the internet. Also you can configure the router to log onto a PPOE connection for you. For that you need to refer to your router manual.

BTW if your running knoppix on cd I will assume that it works properly in windows and that you used windows to place this post. If not see if it works in windows. If it does, you may want to check into the settings and configuration of your internet connection in windows and try them if possible in knoppix.

08-21-2004, 02:33 AM
I don't have a router. My high-speed telephone line modem is connected directly into the network card on the back of my computer.
When I run the Knoppix internet configuration wizard, there is a part near the end where it asks for my user id and password, and I enter this, just as I do when starting the internet connection in Windows. It accepts this, and seems to start the connection. Yet, as I said before, when I try to access any web page, I can't. (Yes, I am posting this using Windows, with which the high-speed modem works fine.)

user unknown
08-21-2004, 03:04 AM
More than one pppd running and no -a option and no arguments supplied.
I would try
poff -a to stop all and - after testing with
ps -C pppd restart with pon. It seems as if there are at least two pppd's running.

For the webpages, perhaps you need to edit /etc/resolv.conf, to contain your providers DNS adresses:
nameserver x.y.z.a
nameserver h.i.j.k

You might try (even without changing resolv.conf) with some wellknown IPs whether it's an DNS-issue at all:

ping -c 1

08-21-2004, 04:06 AM
I hope someone may be able to help me with a problem accessing the internet using Knoppix 3.4 running from a CD
....I have switched to a high-speed telephone ISP to access the internet (Bell Sympatico, in Canada).
Since the switch, I cannot access any internet pages using Knoppix.
While I live in the U.S. and have SBC for a provider, my research shows that Sympatico, like SBC, uses PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet). Go to the KDE start menu, select Internet ->ADSL/PPPoE configuration, and follow the steps. Remember that the username includes the provider: e.g. fubar@foo.net. That should do it. One of the things that first turned me on about Knoppix was the ease of DSL connection.

As far as your DSL under Windows, check out RASPPPoE (http://www.RASPPPoE.com). It is easier to deal with and works better than the native Windows XP support or the software that runs under Windows 98 or ME.

08-21-2004, 07:38 AM
Try add your isp dns in /etc/resolv.conf by running netcardconfig

nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx
nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx

xx.xx.xx.xx = provided by isp. Check with your isp. Or if you have windows os and able to surf , run this command : ipconfig /all
it will list the DNS.

09-11-2004, 02:01 AM
Thanks for the advice. I've tried to follow it (at least all of it I could understand and follow) but still have not been able to connect.
My connection, like I said, is through high speed telephone line (sympatico.ca in Canada). It works fine using Windows.
In Knoppix, after I run the ADSL configuration wizard, and try the suggestions several of you have made, here is what I get.
When (in a console) I type poff -a, I get:
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill failed. None stopped
When I type ps -C pppd, I get:
1441? 00:00:00 pppd
When I type ping -c, I get:
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
In case this is of any help, when I go the the Info Centre (K--Settings -- Info Center -- Networking) I see:
Name IP Adress Network Mask Type Status
eth0 192.168.210 Broadcast Up
lo Loopback Up
ppp0 point to point Up
I don't understand what that means, but maybe it is helpful to any readers who can tell me what to do.
Someone also suggested I should edit /etc./resolv.conf to contain my provider's DNS address, such as nameserver.x.y.z.a
How do you edit the /etc/resolv.conf???
What, exactly, does the 'nameserver x.y.z.a stand for, or mean?
Sorry to be so stupid about this, but I don't understand Linux very well.
To top everything off, my printer does not work with Knoppix either; it keeps saying it does not have a cuspd server, or something, and I am unable to add a printer through the printing management menu. So I scribbled down the info above by hand instead of making a copy with my printer. I seem to be going backwards with Knoppix.
But what I am really concerned most about is trying to connect to the Internet, so any further help in that regard would be much appreciated.

09-12-2004, 04:24 AM
I just got my connection figured out. Adding the user name like rrfish72@aol.com and a password to that service got me on. Although my modem does not show me as being on the net I am. K menu>knoppix>network/internet>adsl/pppoe config and follow until that part comes where you want to enter that info. After I checked that resolv.conf file and there were 2 entries in it. They were just IP addresses. Hope this helps.

user unknown
09-12-2004, 05:06 AM
When (in a console) I type poff -a, I get:
/usr/bin/poff: /bin/kill failed. None stopped
When I type ps -C pppd, I get:
1441? 00:00:00 pppd

You should 'poff' as root.

When I type ping -c, I get:
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
In case this is of any help, when I go the the Info Centre (K--Settings -- Info Center -- Networking) I see:
Name IP Adress Network Mask Type Status
eth0 192.168.210 Broadcast Up
lo Loopback Up
ppp0 point to point Up
I don't understand what that means, but maybe it is helpful to any readers who can tell me what to do.

You should get the same info with 'ifconfig'.
The eth0-entry looks broken - it shall be a 4-part number like or

Someone also suggested I should edit /etc./resolv.conf to contain my provider's DNS address, such as nameserver.x.y.z.a
How do you edit the /etc/resolv.conf???
What, exactly, does the 'nameserver x.y.z.a stand for, or mean?

Well - you edit it, as you edit everything - with an editor.
For the console, I suggest mcedit, for KDE kate.
To make a long story short, every host in the internet has an IP. Because we don't like to remember these numbers (192.168.x.y is reserved for private, local usage btw.) - the numbers are mapped to names, like 'www.google.com'. These mappings are managed by 'domain name servers' - dns. To partitipate in this system you have to register and pay, so normal private-men don't run a dns on their own.
But your ISP usually does, and tells you his dns-adresses.
You could use a different one, but this isn't fair play, and if you use an asian or european one, you will loose some milliseconds for every lookup.
If you enter 'www.google.com' into your browser, the dns is asked, which IP is meant by this adress, and then you get the content from this IP.
Since ifconfig shows a valid IP for your ppp0-connection the problem seems to be the around there.

If I understand right, your ISP is sympatico.ca, so if I call

whois sympatico.ca
I get:

NS1-Hostname: dns1.sympatico.ca
NS2-Hostname: dns2.sympatico.ca

So enter those entries to resolv.conf


To top everything off, my printer does not work with Knoppix either;
Start a new topic for this one, else we get confused.