View Full Version : Some help needed please.

08-21-2004, 03:36 PM
I recently installed knoppix to my harddrive and have been having these problems:
1) I'm having trouble setting the harddrive permissions.. I've seen other posts about it, but I couldn't figure it out. I want to make it so that both of my partitions (hda1 and hda3) are always read/write for everyone.

2) After about 10-15 minutes of being on, my sound just dies.. The only thing that works is the Line In.. no system beeps, media files, gaim sounds, etc work.. (this even happened when I was running from the CD)

Thanks for any help.

08-22-2004, 07:02 PM
if the partitions are empty then this will work but it might not be the best way to doit:

as root and from a console CLI and with the partitions mounted:

chmod 777 /mnt/hda1
chmod 777 /mnt/hda3

note: 777 sets Read, Write, Execute permissions for User, Group, All

But a better way to do it and if you already have a bunch of directories and files on the partitions could be to create a new group( Music ), and add all your users to that group and then change the group setting to all directories and files on those partitions to the new "Music" group.

KUser will let you add groups and add users to that group.
chown -R :Music /mnt/hda1
chown -R :Music /mnt/hda3

If somebody knows KDE/etc better and knows of a graphical way to do this, please "chime" in since this is probably going to be a fairly common thing for home admins to want to do.

08-22-2004, 11:06 PM
Hate to say it locutus, but, thats the best way I know how to do it - :D

I have a "global" location on one of my hard drives, and just did the "group" thing, like you showed... One little wrinkle that I did was, I made the "mount point" for this hard drive partition, directly under the /home folder - that way, my "users" would pretty much stay right around the /home area, and not need to "jump" all over the tree structure...

If you plan on doing the "create a specific group" method that locutus suggested, you can change the chown and chgrp commands to just 770... i.e.

chown -R 770 xxxxx

that way, the owner and group have complete access, and no one else. It is a lot safer that way.

Just "chimming" in, :)
Ms. Cuddles