View Full Version : Knoppix not running right

08-21-2004, 03:59 PM
I just downloaded knoppix took me forever cuz i'm behind 2 different routers and then i burned the iso, booted up, tryed to run gaim, nothing, so i use the run command thing and a window with the title "Sorry - KDesktop" then the text is KDEInit could not launch 'gaim', it does this for wine when i try to run a program in wine. Could it be all the "cloop" errors at boot? when the knoppix is booting the screen shows everything initializing and then gives a bunch of cloop erros at cdrom /knoppix/knoppix.

08-21-2004, 05:37 PM
> Could it be all the "cloop" errors at boot?

Yes. This can be caused by bad or scratchy media, a dodgy drive, a bad iso file (check the md5sum) or didn't burn the iso correctly.