View Full Version : Quick question

08-22-2004, 06:27 PM
i made a 20 gb home directory for knoppix and also use it to save the configuration for the programs in knoppix

when i go into to windows i have a new E: drive by my C: drive which i expected but when i click on it it asks me if i want to format it should I or not cause i dont want to screw up the Home Directory

Dont worry 20 GB is not hurting my Windows partition of 54 GB its still 94% free

08-22-2004, 10:25 PM
If you let Windows format it, it will screw up the PH. IIRC, if you set up the entire partition as a persistent home, as opposed to a file, Knoppix formats it in ext3, which is not readable to Windows. If that's what you did (that's what I did), that's why it's not readable in Windows. I suppose that you could keep the partition as FAT32 and keep the PH as a file, but I'm guessing that the data in the file wouldn't be understandable to any Win apps, even if it's in a FAT32 partition. I actually have a FAT32 partition separate from my PH partition, and put data I want to share in it.

:idea: I'm wondering if you had a separate FAT32 partition like that, if you could move the shared data to the FAT32 partition, and put links to that data in the PH? You might try it and see what happens.

Maybe we should add a request to change the PH script to allow the option of formatting a PH in FAT32. PH seems particularly useful for people who still rely on Windows, and not all that useful for people who don't need Windows, so it makes logical sense to me.


08-22-2004, 10:42 PM
yes i figured that first part out it wants to format it as an NTFS file system so i decided against formatting it

08-22-2004, 10:55 PM
As a side note to this thread, I used to run the Live CD, v3.2, and did the PH on a file, was kinda neat to see a large file in the root of my Windows drive, but, I want to add one little wrinkle to the file idea of PH - Don't let your defrag program in Windows touch that file! If I remember right, I did a defrag in Win98, on the fat32 partition that I stored that PH "file" - and it messed it up for Knoppix. After I did the defrag, I tried to reboot back into Knoppix, and it "refused" to recognize the PH file, or the "swap file" I had created through Knoppix... I think the ext3 partition for creating a PH in Knoppix is a lot safer, unless you accidently "format" it within Windows, that is...

Just my thoughts, and input,
Ms. Cuddles

08-22-2004, 11:01 PM
i dont have to worry about the defrage i made a seperate partition that is 20 gb and put it on there so i would have no problems

08-22-2004, 11:27 PM
What's weird is that windows should not show a drive letter (E:) for an ext[23] filesystem... Maybe you initially flagged your new partition as fat or ntfs ? Anyway if it's working as a permanent home, don't let windows touch it at all and you'll be safe.