View Full Version : Using Knoppix to view web pages

08-23-2004, 10:28 AM
I develop websites (as a hobby) using Dreamweaver under Windows XP, I want to view the pages in Konquerer to see if they look ok. I have Knoppix 3.4, when I load it what do I have todo to achieve this. The disk is NTFS. I have IIS and windows Apache webservers running.
Do I have to start the linux version of Apache, how do I do this? what do I have to type in the browser address bar etc?, please no complicated stuff, make it easy. Any help greatly appreciated.

08-23-2004, 11:13 AM
You didn't say if you have installed knoppix to hard dsik... Anyway once you boot your system with knoppix (either CD or HD), IIS cannot possibly run and serve you pages. If your content is static, the easiest thing to do is to simply locate those pages of yours and open them as local files in konqueror. Suppose your NTFS C: unit is /dev/hda1, then just navigate with konqi to the directory where your pages live under /mnt/hda1/ which is the default mount point under which your C: drive will be available (read-only) under linux.

08-23-2004, 12:44 PM
Assuming you have this three condition:
1) You are using two pc, one knoppix and one windows (running apache)
2) Both are in netwok
3) Both are connected to internet and assigned dynamic IP by your ISP
4) The windows pc has a static IP.

Two things you can do:
1) register to any free dynamic domain name provider. I would suggest :
http://www.dyndns.org/. You will get your own domain name and use that name, like you usually did with other homepage. Get free dydns updater so you can update you ip with your domain name everytime your IP changed.

2) You could either direct your browser to IP of your windows pc or to the Dynamic IP of your windows pc. If you are sharing connection, you can run on knoppix : ifconfig -a ; and look for inet addr: xx.xxx.xx.xx
and in windows : ipconfig. They should be the same.
If you're not sharing connection, just get the windows dynamic IP.

Assuming you only have one pc, which you share windows and knoppix, and knoppix is installed on hardisk. The easiest way to test your webpage is by copying those webpages from windows to your knoppix /var/www folder.
Then run /etc/init.d/apache start.
Then direct yout browser to your knoppix IP address.( offcourse after you set your knoppix with static IP). No need to be connected to net.

Assuming you only have one pc and you run knoppix from cd.....I can't help you. I don't know how to transfer file to /var/www folder virtually. Somebody please help him and me. :lol: :lol:

08-23-2004, 03:21 PM
Thank for the replies, very interesting and they raise more questions. I run knoppix from cd, and have one PC, the pages are not static, I use php 4 (should have mentioned this before) so to summarise is it possible to Run knoppix from cd and serve web pages located on a windows xp drive through Konquerer all on the same computer, with php support? and how do you do it?

08-24-2004, 02:56 AM
Knoppix comes with php built into apache.
To view your webpages from knoppix, you could try edit your /etc/apache/httpd.conf file.
Find lines that says:
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory /var/www/>

change it to where your webpages location :
ex: Directory /mnt/hda1/myweb

Don't forget to mount your windows partition and run /etc/init.d/apache start
Then open konquerer and point to your ip address/your.php or index.html (after you set a static ip, using netcardconfig).