View Full Version : Rookie NTFS write question

08-23-2004, 09:51 PM

I am currently using Knoppix 3.4 released in may, I was wondering if NTFS writing can be done safely and without data loss in this version?. And if so, how would I go about enabling the write feature?. Basically I am using Knoppix to access and backup the contents of my Administrator folder on my Win Xp partition to a spare harddrive before I reformat.

Thanks in advance,


08-23-2004, 11:58 PM
I have not been able to get the captive ntfs working on my machine and from the sounds of it neither has most of the people on this forum. However one thing that linux does do well is write to fat32. Why not format the second drive to fat32 and then copy the files over to it. reformat the primary hd and reinstall windows and then move them back over. Heck, all that can be done in windows. (I know, but where's the fun in that?) I promise you it will take you longer figuring out how to make captive ntfs work than the solution I just laid out.

08-24-2004, 12:26 AM
I have not been able to get the captive ntfs working on my machine and from the sounds of it neither has most of the people on this forum. However one thing that linux does do well is write to fat32. Why not format the second drive to fat32 and then copy the files over to it. reformat the primary hd and reinstall windows and then move them back over. Heck, all that can be done in windows. (I know, but where's the fun in that?) I promise you it will take you longer figuring out how to make captive ntfs work than the solution I just laid out.

Both my drives have data on them and both are NTFS unfortunately. I am just trying to move data from my XP Pro partition to my XP Home partition using Knoppix. I would just use XP home to copy them, but the only way I know to access the Administrator protected documents of another OS is using Knoppix.



08-24-2004, 01:05 AM
i found a web site that might be help full to you http://freshmeat.net/projects/linuxntfs/?branch_id=7277&release_id=153996

08-25-2004, 12:11 AM
Use knoppix to read the files, assuming you can at least read the ntfs disks. burn the files from the one hd onto cd and then boot up the windows you want and copy them to that hd.

I have seen posts here that state that captive ntfs works great but an overwhelming majority seem to be posts stating problems. Boot up knoppix run the captive ntfs configuration point it to the xp hd for the drivers and then finish the configuration, right click on the hd you want to write to and the change the read/write mode. just try and creat a new folder. If it won't let you then I would do what I suggested in the previous paragraph. Captive ntfs uses windows own drivers so there won't be any problem with it corrupting windows or making a file that is unreadable.

Either that or I'm wrong.