View Full Version : no installer in knoppix 3.6??

08-26-2004, 01:08 PM
Hey Folks!

ive just burned my new Knoppix 3.6... but i cant install it on my HD like Knoppix 3.4. There is no /usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall
available. Is it possible to install knoppix 3.6 on my hd??


08-26-2004, 01:39 PM
name of installer has changed...knoppix-installer or knx2hd will both work I believe

08-27-2004, 03:43 AM
Just did knx2hd in root.
Took off like a charm.

08-27-2004, 05:23 AM
If you have your internet connection up then "knoppix-installer-latest-web" will download the latest installer script and run it.

08-27-2004, 07:03 PM
"There is no /usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall available."

I thought that was already gone in 3.4. At least I couldn't get it to run. (And yes, knoppix-installer worked perfectly.) But since I found that the new installer didn't work without X and at least part of KDE, I have been hanging onto 3.3 for a project where I want to run the installer from a command line.

And another advantage of the 3.6 is that it uses the current version of KDE. With 3.4 using KDE 3.22, I found it difficult to get an extra package installed. I only found .DEBs for 2.22 and 3.32--and had to download them and use dpkg to install them. (The package for 2.22 didn't work, but the one for 3.32 did. Though it complained about dependencies on install) I was able to install the same package on 3.6 with apt-get.