View Full Version : NFS mounting problems!!!!

08-26-2004, 08:39 PM
All Knoppix versions I tested, as the newest 3.6, have the same problem. When I try to mount an NFS-Share from my fileserver the mount command hangs and can't be deleted with "kill -9". It hangs with status "D+" (by the way what means the "+"??) ("ps ax"). A reboot is necessary to get rid of from this hanging process (I hate rebooting)!
The NFS-server outputs in syslog:
Aug 26 19:57:36 leela rpc.mountd: export request from
Aug 26 19:57:55 leela last message repeated 2 times
Aug 26 19:58:07 leela rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from for /mnt/adata/tmprw (/mnt/adata/tmprw)

So it receives and accepts the mount request. After waiting some minutes I get the following output at the Knoppix booted machine:
portmap: server localhost not responding, timed out
lockd_up: makesock failed, error=-5
portmap: server localhost not responding, timed out

I'm very confused about this because the network card is correctly (via DHCP) configured. samba, http, ftp etc. work perfectly. And what about the timeout for localhost????

Please help!

08-27-2004, 03:58 AM
You know, I've been having the very same problem. I wish I knew what was going on.

The Knoppix people have, I think, a bias toward SAMBA. SAMBA is something I won't use--my file-and-printer sharing among my OS/2 machines is on NetBEUI since it 1) has less overhead than NetBIOS over TCP/IP, 2) it is MUCH easier to set up, and 3) I don't have to worry about it getting routed somehow over the internet. Sigh: Linux doesn't do SMB over native NetBEUI frames. Therefore, I use NFS to talk between OS/2 and Linux and between Linux machines. No to SAMBA.

All this said, I wish that Knoppix would pay more attention to NFS.

You want to know a dirty little secret? After I did a
mount -o soft linux:/ /linux
and waited and waited until I got a prompt back, guess what happened?

YES! The share mounted anyway! I could access the mounted file system!

Give it a try. It's been working for me.

08-27-2004, 07:48 PM
I have the same problem (Trying to access a Sun Solaris box)

Wait several minutes, and mount comes back fine. I've tried forcing the nfsvers parameter down to level 2, no joy.

One other thing I had: When reading images from the server, Knoppix would occasionally hang for 10 seconds or so, then carry on.

08-27-2004, 11:49 PM
I have found the solution:
/etc/init.d/portmap start
Without the portmapper NFS mounting won't work. I don't know why this isn't started by default or this isn't started automatically when using NFS. I think a solution about this problem has to be found, because this is serious.