View Full Version : HELP

08-31-2004, 03:40 AM
Ive got knoppix 3.3 and 3.4, i burnt 3.6 but it doesint work, when i try both 3.x it says retrying freex86 or something and it loads up a gray screen with a mouse pointer is there a way 2 install it on to the hdd? with windows xp and knoppix on the same hdd.

08-31-2004, 04:51 AM
Check the 'Docs' at the top bar of this forum. There is a howto on HD Install:
The grey screen you are seeing is Knoppix trying to start x, the linux graphical interface; it sounds like it is not correctly identifying your graphics card if it is freezing up at this stage. When Knoppix is at the boot satge, press F2 to see the 'cheatcodes' available & try a few to see if it will find a graphics setup that will work.

08-31-2004, 05:03 AM
i can have both linux and windows using a boot manager or is they one buildt in to windows

08-31-2004, 11:53 PM
You better use the boot manager in knoppix wich is called lilo. During the install proces of knoppix you will be asked to install it or not.

09-01-2004, 12:07 AM
i did that, got it all setup but i cant get my graphics card to work is there a command that i can type in 2 the shell so it can do a atuo detect or can you tell me how to find my bus id

09-01-2004, 07:39 PM
You can find your vga card with 'lspci -v'.
Set your graphics card with '/usr/bin/kxconfig' as root.

09-01-2004, 08:55 PM
If you're going to do an hdd install, I'd go with a dual boot, if you know enough to do it. I have a PMI, and it's got a few problems.

09-01-2004, 09:34 PM
You can find your vga card with 'lspci -v'.
Set your graphics card with '/usr/bin/kxconfig' as root.
where do i type that cmd ,and how do i use usr/bin/kxconfig

09-02-2004, 01:29 PM
Below on the taskbar click on the shell icon. It will open a cmd line box. As root you have to type 'su' (super user)first and hit enter.

Read this tutorial: http://www.eleli.de/knoppix/docs/tutorial/english/

09-02-2004, 08:03 PM
cool, thx bro