View Full Version : Hardware Auto-detection Questions

08-31-2004, 05:06 PM
Where/when are hdd icons for the KDE desktop created? Which script?

Edit I think I found it on knoppix's source page. ;)

I already located scanpartitions and reubuildfstab for getting the /etc/fstab built nicely.

What else is critical for hardware autodetection?

So far my list is

1) knoppix-autoconfig
2) rebuildfstab & scanpartitions & /etc/filesystems
3) alsa-autoconfig
4) hotplug-knoppix
5) mkxf86config (anyone know if this works on xfree 4.4?)
6) xsession & mkdesktophdicons

08-31-2004, 07:30 PM
icons are created by

09-03-2004, 05:10 PM
I wonder how much of the knoppix scripts depedn on debconf....

I'm trying to adapt this stuff for another distro.