View Full Version : knoppix HD Install HELP.

03-21-2003, 02:59 PM
I have just Installed Knoppix duel boot with 98 + xp. I can boot In to any os no probs.The problem I have Is that although every thing except win modem was detected I cannot access floppy or cd rom drives[by clicking on the Icons on the desk top]. When I ran It from the cd I had no problems, I could even access the drives containing windows. Im new to computers In general but very new to linux. I find xp very easy to use and have had no probs with It. Any help, many thanks.

03-21-2003, 05:27 PM
Since this issue has been adressed multiple times I would suggest doing a search. I will tell you this- it would be advantageous to learn how to mount a drive. You're always welcome to repost. Tell us what you've tried to resolve the problem thus far.

03-21-2003, 07:59 PM
Delete the icons from the desktop and create new ones by right clicking on desktop and use the create new menu option choose the device you want to create. In the device tab choose the device to be used ( /dev/fd0 or /dev/cdrom ) click OK and your done. You should now be able to access the drives.

To access your windows partition you will have to edit the /etc/fstab in a root console window and uncomment the line for your windows "drive" ie. change #/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 auto noauto,user,exec 0 0 to /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 auto noauto,user,exec 0 0 save the file and re-boot. You might also want to change the line to /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 auto rw,noauto,user,exec 0 0 if you want read/write access.

03-24-2003, 12:32 PM
Thanks all for Info. Stephen I have edited etc/fstab and can access all drives. very happy with the results your help was spot on. Rickenbacherus I did try to find the Info before posting as I said I am very new to computers, but very keen to learn. Stephen whilst Im here In case I cant find It In the forum how do I set up auto run on the cd rom ( if its possible) once again thanks for your help.

03-24-2003, 01:36 PM
Right-on knap - glad you got things going. Certainly i didn't mean to imply that you weren't trying to get things resolved on your own, it's just that so many people sign up for the forum, ask a question that has already been answered, and there's no thank you, no "how I solved it' nothing. It's kind of frustrating when you search for answers and you find a thread that is EXACTLY the same as the problem you're having only to discover that there is no resolution at the end. Thanks for posting your results.

how do I set up auto run on the cd rom ( if its possible)

Example line from fstab:

/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto rw,noauto,user,exec 0 0

The 'noauto' option is what keeps the drive from being auto matically mounted on boot. You could change it to auto however, it is not generally a good idea as you don't want to mount an empty drive and can only mount a drive with a data disk in it. As far as audio cd's are concerned you don't need to mount them, they will play just fine. gluck

04-01-2003, 11:44 AM
rickenbacherus, need help. I have a problem which I think is related to Kb3 burning software. Ive knx-hd Installed 5 times now. The Install goes well I can access all drives apart from my cdrom I allso have a cdrw which Is ok. No matter what I do editing /etc/fstab, creating dir etc I cannot access It. If i use the Kb3 configuration It detects said cdrom no probs (as does the system on boot) However the path it gives still doesnt work. When I edit the Kb3 path and point It to Its dir. I created (cdrom1) I have joy and can access the drive. Not for long though as when I try to use the burn software the system crashes, I loose most of the /etc/fstab file, and If I try and reboot ..nothing Im wondering If I have a bad copy of knoppix I only down loaded it a couple of weeks ago. It runs ok from the cdrom and there is no doubt it is very clever , but Im absolutely p---- off with Its Instabillity. I know Its free and what should I expect, I would realy like to get to grips with It so If you have any Info. thanks Knap.

04-01-2003, 01:32 PM
I have used k3b for burning .iso's and it worked just fine. I tried to use the autoconfiguration and it wrecked my fstab completely. Also, it seems that alot of people have trouble using the "copy cd" function. It seems to start OK but then errors. I have been using xcdroast which seems to be working fine. I've heard lots opf good things about gcombust but cannot speak from personal experience. Perhaps others reading this can add their own input on a frontend for cdrecord. Here are two lines from my fstab

/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
/dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

The second line was not there- I had to add it. The first entry is the name of the device "/dev/cdrom" The second "/cdrom" is the mount point Since you have a cdburner you need scsi emulation right? Well because the drives are now seen as scsi drives Linux calls them sd0 & sd1 So if you wish to call your drive something other than what Linux does you will need to link it. Example: on my system the cdrom is /dev/scd0, the dvd is /dev/scd1 so....

ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/sd0
ln -s /dev/dvd /dev/sd1

To find out if it worked do a:
ls -al /dev/cdrom
This should be your output:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Mar 23 13:30 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
Same for second drive:
ls -al /dev/dvd
You should get:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Mar 24 08:57 /dev/dvd -> scd1

Now your drives have basically been renamed. This is very helpful if your add another drive and so that their names are easy to remember. Now that you have them linked you must make sure that your mount points (listed in my fstab as /cdrom & /dvd) actually exist:

cd /mnt
Your output should be similar to this:
auto cdrom dvd hda1 hda4 hda5 hda6 sda1

If you don't have mount points you could make them like so:
(become root)
mkdir /mnt/cdrom

If your fstab trys to mount to a mount point that does not exist it of course won't work.

Now as to Knoppix stability- on my machine it's rock solid. I would suggest avoiding k3b all together. There are several other frontends for cdrecord, mkisofs & cdparanoia. Just install one of them if you don't like xcdroast.

As always - post back if you need more help.

04-04-2003, 10:52 AM
Back again. This Is my set up Assus board, P450 slot, Fugitsu 10g, Fugitsu 3.2g, 128mbsd. Since my last post when I thougt I was on track everythings gone **** up.
I got every thing to work, everything seemed fine even after multiple boots. Then the next day I had no cdroms again even though they were detected by the OS . Dont know but It semms to have taken out my cdrom drives ( ceative 48x and a no name ATAPI 52x) as they were both working perfectly on windows and now will not work at all even though WIN. detects them. Ive tried them on several computers with the same results.
Have you come across this before or Is It just me.
sorry to be a pain. Knap.

04-04-2003, 01:51 PM
You're telling me that both cd rom drives are dead? You can't even get them to work in other machines now? While I suppose it's not impossible it sure is highly unlikely that both drives would die at the same time unless there was some major power surge or something. When you try them in other machines (forgive me if I ask a stupid question here) you're sure you set the jumpers properly?

04-04-2003, 04:47 PM
Yes both drives no longer work (OS sees them) In any of the three systems tried In.
All jumpers correct, and to the best of my knowledge, there was no power surge.
My liteon burner works as does everything else(fingers crossed)
They didnt pack up together. One stoped working one day, the other the next.
As Ive not had much joy with knoppix I thought I might try Mandrake 9.

04-04-2003, 05:43 PM
Wow- how strange. Sounds like a super bad luck kind of day for you. My only other guesses- you're not using the same ribbon cable each time you put the drives into another machine are you? All pins on your drive connectors are straight and you're putting the cables on the right way? Are you putting them on as primary master/slave or secondary master/slave or how exactly?

As far as Mandrake goes- it's a great way to get started in Linux. Easy to install and you can use rpm's to get new software.

Henk Poley
04-04-2003, 08:36 PM
Have you changed anything in the BIOS to get Linux working ("PNP OS" for example)?

04-05-2003, 12:12 PM
Ive tried all Ide ribbons i.e 33 and 66s In all computers In all variations.
Tried all combinations of primary / secondary master slave etc.
Also all BIOS settings.

I did wonder If It was a BIOS thing as It Is old.

I started to have problems with the second cdrom (should have told you this before) after I typed eject /dev/hdd In console as root, to see if cdrom was working.

One other thing although It does not seem to have made any diff. Ive read you should not, but I have loaded LILO In MBR. Thanks.

04-05-2003, 02:07 PM
One other thing although It does not seem to have made any diff. Ive read you should not, but I have loaded LILO In MBR. Thanks.

That wouldn't make any difference. Where did you read that you shouldn't install it to your MBR? Must've been a windows user. :D
You have to have a boot loader although it doesn't necessarily need to be LILO.