View Full Version : Remastering Knoppix - KDE defaults HELP !

03-21-2003, 03:20 PM
I'm president of the student association at a canadian Law School, and I just stumbled across Knoppix. After playing around with it a little, I'm amazed!

I am thinking of asking the school to fund a comp-sci student who would make us a customized version of knoppix, tailored specifically towards the needs of law students (who are 99% computer illiterate). This would include default bookmarks to legal databases, a removal of all programming apps, perhaps the inclusion of some legal forms for students to print out, etc...

I need to win over the dean with this idea, but to do so I would at least need a copy of knoppix with our official school background instead of the default knoppix wallpaper (and as a consequence the default KDE desktop font color would have to change as well).

Is there any way to do this without remastering knoppix? Could anyone help me out?
