View Full Version : Automatic Root login bad and no english...

09-02-2004, 01:52 AM
When I boot up Knoppix 3.4, it automatically boots up and logs in a root. Not good, How do I change it so that a person has to login?

Also, once I start X, it is all in German, how do I change it to English?

09-02-2004, 04:12 AM
If I recall the cheatcode for English is "lang=us".

When booting into knoppix use that.

For example: knoppix26 lang=us

09-02-2004, 05:01 PM
That doesn't always work.
I have the "EN iso and have tried both lang=us and lang=en
but many of the dialog boxes are still in German / Duetsch.

All of the app menus are in english but it's the
dialog boxes that frustrate me.

I have changed location, language and every other option
I can think of but still the same. Even the open office setup
was in german. I had to download the setup file from sun
in order to get it installed in english.

Something was either not changed in the german version
or something has gotten hosed.

Hope it get fixed soon. I can't read one word of german.

09-03-2004, 03:36 AM
That doesn't always work.
I have the "EN iso and have tried both lang=us and lang=en
but many of the dialog boxes are still in German / Duetsch.

All of the app menus are in english but it's the
dialog boxes that frustrate me.

I have changed location, language and every other option
I can think of but still the same. Even the open office setup
was in german. I had to download the setup file from sun
in order to get it installed in english.

Something was either not changed in the german version
or something has gotten hosed.

Hope it get fixed soon. I can't read one word of german.

Try editing /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig; there is a line it it 'default=de'. Also, try removing all other alternative keyboards (use KDE control center) and try apt-get install localepurge to purge support for all the languages you don't need.

09-05-2004, 12:41 AM
That doesn't always work.
I have the "EN iso and have tried both lang=us and lang=en
but many of the dialog boxes are still in German / Duetsch.

All of the app menus are in english but it's the
dialog boxes that frustrate me.

I have changed location, language and every other option
I can think of but still the same. Even the open office setup
was in german. I had to download the setup file from sun
in order to get it installed in english.

Something was either not changed in the german version
or something has gotten hosed.

Hope it get fixed soon. I can't read one word of german.

Try editing /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig; there is a line it it 'default=de'. Also, try removing all other alternative keyboards (use KDE control center) and try apt-get install localepurge to purge support for all the languages you don't need.

That worked, thanks!!!

Now once I boot up in run control level 3, it still logs in as root. Not good.

How do I fix this?

01-31-2005, 09:28 PM
I have a similar problem.

The vast majority of the menus appear in English.

But, most noteably, the error messages are in (German??). They are not in English that is for sure. This does not affect the usability of Knoppix really, but is a little weird.


02-01-2005, 10:58 PM
That worked, thanks!!!

Now once I boot up in run control level 3, it still logs in as root. Not good.

How do I fix this?

Try the settings in kde control center. You should be able to set automatic login to <username> from there.