View Full Version : Few Questions about Knoppix

09-02-2004, 07:52 AM
Ok I'm just starting to know about linux. I'm learing it at school. I'm using a shell (bash). I was wondering, would knoppix be ideal for me? all I want is a general linux distrubution that has a bash shell and that can support C++ programming. i don't want such a big file, but a small one. so would knoppix be ideal for me based on what i said. hope this is clear.


09-02-2004, 09:12 AM
Knoppix is very well suited for someone looking into linux as you can play around with it to see how you like it without the need to install. There are also other Live-CD's for linux but why not go with Knoppix.

i don't want such a big file, but a small one. Not sure I understand that. Do you mean the program you'll create or Knoppix. If you want a smaller distro look at DamnSmallLinux or FeatherLinux.

09-03-2004, 06:11 AM
yeah. basically, i just want linux so that i can practice linux as well as C++. does knoppix come with a C++ compiler. i hope it does because in my school they are teaching us C++ through linux. what i mean is that i want to download like a live linux cd (a small file space wise) that only does the basics and has a C++ compiler. i don't something too fancy or whatever. hope this clarifies it.


09-03-2004, 07:49 AM
Practically all Linuxes come with the gcc compiler capable of c++. Type man gcc to get a description, and the letter q to quit.
If you want just a basic live-CD linux I'd still suggest DamnSmall or Feather, they're both stripped down versions of Knoppix.
You can find some alternatives at www.distrowatch.com