View Full Version : Knoppix freezes while browsing.

09-03-2004, 08:00 AM
Knoppix recently started freezing randomly when I'm on the computer. It USUALLY happens after I click a link. This happens in Mozilla, Firefox and even Konqueror.

At first, I thought it was my configuration, as when I tried to load it at the next boot. I had a long list of error messages saying "free blocks count corrupted for block group 16" So I tried not loading it, it still froze afterwards. Then I tried not loading my persistent home, and it still froze afterwards too, right after I click a link. I tried loading it from my HD through a poor man's install and it froze too in the same circumstances. Right now, Knoppix is loaded from the CD, no cheatcodes of any kind. I'll see if it freezes too.

There's no error message whatsoever, afterwards and I've tried searching the forums and found nothing. It just freezes, and my mouse and keyboard is unusable.

My specs are as follows

P4 1.6 ghz
512 MB RAM
20 gig HD in FAT32 (just one partition)
SBLive! Sound card
Geforce 2 MX400.

Any ideas on what's going on?

09-03-2004, 08:11 AM
Alright, update. It just froze again. Not after clicking a link this time, just by being idle. God, this sucks. Any ideas on what's going on?

09-03-2004, 08:39 PM
hmm, I think I may have the same problem, not strictly in knoppix but it has happened in both DamnSmallLinux and Feather Linux today (both based on knoppix I think?). Using Dillo as my browser it freezes when I click on a link, forcing a reset (has happened both with boot from CD and from a HDD install).

Any help would be much appreciated here too...

Linux Noob with an old Toshiba 480CDT Laptop:
P1 233 MMX
48MB Ram

09-03-2004, 09:47 PM
Yeah, any help would be appreciated.

09-04-2004, 12:24 AM
Knoppix recently started freezing randomly when I'm on the computer. It USUALLY happens after I click a link. This happens in Mozilla, Firefox and even Konqueror.

What I am finding is that with the 2.6.x kernel, I have all sorts of flaky problems. Sometimes it's freezes, later I can't use the "search" function in Konqueror anymore, at other times I can't write CDRs, etc. The system feels very fragile, as if I had some sort of Windows virus (but that's not possible). Going back to the 2.4.x kernel seems to solve all that. So I would suggest you reinstall, use the 2.4 kernel only, and see if that solves everything.

Note that I have had this problem with other distros - it's not just Knoppix.


09-04-2004, 04:22 AM
Thanks, but I have been using the 2.4 kernel exclusively, my internet connection doesn't work in the 2.6. =\ Any ideas anyone?

09-07-2004, 12:43 AM
Alright, I fixed it by using the 2.6 kernel. I also found out how to set up my internet connection. Weird that it's not auto-detected.