View Full Version : Re-burning Knoppix with built-inboot commands...

09-04-2004, 08:22 AM
Hi everyone! I use knoppix, and like it. But my monitor is picky, it needs to run @ 60 Hz (this may be because a pin is knocked out of the DB-15 plug, but I havn't comfermed it). When I boot Knoppix w/o boot commands, I'll get a "out of range" error from my monnitor when the text-only boot screen tryes to swtch to KDE.

This isn't a problem because I just type vsync=60 hsync=60 at boot and Knoppix starts like normal. However I was wondering if there was a way where I could make a version of Knoppix where I didn't have to type those commands evey time I boot. Is there some way to config Knoppix to auto-input/take into account that command?

I'm sure others have simmilar to mine. Thanks for your help in advance!

Ian Blackney :D

09-04-2004, 10:34 AM
You need to edit the isolinux.cfg in Knoppix 3.4 and this is located on the cd
with D:\ being you defualt drive or /mnt/cdrom



it is best done in linux except you are only changing one file which isnt in the file system it just gets copied onto the cd when you make the iso

this is copiedfrom notepad

DEFAULT linux26
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt26.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix

DISPLAY boot.msg
F1 boot.msg
F2 f2
F3 f3

that is our default as wewanted it to boot from kernel 2.6, but just add after vga=791 your cheat code whichis vsync=60 hsync=60

so if you were using barnix 0.3.6 as your remastering you default in isolinu.cfg would look like this

DEFAULT linux26
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 vsync=60 hsync=60 initrd=minirt26.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix

DISPLAY boot.msg
F1 boot.msg
F2 f2
F3 f3

Michael West
Westnold Developments
Barnix / DebXPde Developer
http://www.westnold-developments.eu.tt new site (no ISO Images Yet)
http://www.westnold-developments.uk.tt old site (ISO Images)

09-07-2004, 10:11 PM
With 3.6 things are essentially the same. One thing worth noting though is that there is a userdef label which is set to use linux24 as kernel and has an append of lots of ####s. So what this means is you could even edit the iso directly and simply edit the ### in the append to insert the command line you want for your kernel, you could even change the linux24 to linux26. Finally if you don't even want to type userdef at boot, you could change the first line "DEFAULT linux24" to "DEFAULT userdef".

Of course you could use this same method in a copied setup and make a new iso. One advatage as this method is that it leaves the default boot options intact (of course it could still be confusing if you set userdef as the default option) and the other advantage is if you don't have space to hold the contents of the cd and the new iso on disk If you really want to make all the options have your cheatcodes though you will have to make a new iso or be far more careful with your editing.

I thought there were simple tools for users to do some edits on the iso like this around (like change language) but I couldn't find them when I looked the other day.