View Full Version : boot.img for v3.6 where ? !

09-06-2004, 02:23 AM
The good news is that I have downloaded (at last!) the v3.6 iso and burned it to CDRW ok.

The bad news is that I want to boot from floppy but I cant find boot.img ( nor rawwrite2 but I can get that off the net )

boot.cat and boot.msg are there, I can read lots of other files ok so I presume that the burn was good (and the md5 checks out ok, thanks firebyrd) so I dunno, am I going blind or what ?


09-06-2004, 09:02 AM
I don't understand why don't you boot from your cdrom/cdrw?

09-06-2004, 11:28 AM
I don't understand why don't you boot from your cdrom/cdrw?
I dont understand what that has got to do with the question I asked ?
Were you trying to be helpful with that post, because if so it entirely escapes me.

I have booted from my CDRW ! It works fine (although not yet on my modem, so here I am back on Windows to send this).
If you read another of my posts elsewhere you will see that I remarked that I was not very impressed with the GNUchess that came with Knoppix3.6. How would I have known that if I had not booted my Knoppix ?
I wish to demonstrate Knoppix _on_another_machine_ belonging to someone_else.
Does it disturb you so much that I wish to boot from floppy ?

Please try again.

09-06-2004, 12:30 PM
When people don't understand, I try to explain.
When people has a problem, I try to help.
When people has an attitude, I just "unplugged".
:roll: :roll:

09-06-2004, 05:59 PM
Ptarmigan, starting with version 3.4, Knoppix went from the DOS-style boot loaders to another - isolinux, IIRC. I think the justification was to provide more room, but I'm not sure. Anyway, for version 3.4 and beyond, users concerned about any issue involving booting should be very skeptical of any hints or how-tos which were written prior to May 2004, when version 3.4 came out. This is part of the reason why I wrote a new how-to on "poor man's" installation, using 3.4 or later, because the prior entries all focused on using boot.img.

From what I understand, 3.4 does not boot from one floppy, but two. There is a script to generate these floppies in Knoppix, but it was not working correctly in 3.4, and was added to the buglist. Given that I have found a lot of the 3.4 bugs to still be present in 3.6, I doubt that this has changed. I would recommend that you do a date search in the forum for posts after May 5, 2004, with key words of "boot" and "floppy".

BTW, I tried for a while to make a USB stick bootable with 3.4, and got lots of good ideas, but gave it up to concentrate on other things. But while looking into that, I'm pretty sure that I saw some useful information about making the floppies.



09-06-2004, 07:11 PM

The easiest solution would be to boot Knoppix 3.6 on your computer, from the CD (or however), and run the script that makes the boot floppies (it's on the KNOPPIX menu). Then take the two floppies it creates, and the Knoppix CD, to boot your friend's computer.

- e2g

PS. For some reason, the Knoppix guys haven't seen fit to put the two floppy images up on the Knoppix mirrors. There is a bootable floppy image with GRUB on it, in the /contrib directory, but GRUB on a floppy apparently can't access a CD-ROM.

PPS. The script that creates the boot floppies worked fine for me in Knoppix 3.4. Haven't tried it in Knoppix 3.6 yet.

09-06-2004, 08:54 PM
PPS. The script that creates the boot floppies worked fine for me in Knoppix 3.4. Haven't tried it in Knoppix 3.6 yet.

If that's so, great news. I haven't needed boot floppies, so I was relating another person's post.

So there you go, Ptarmigan, it should work.


09-10-2004, 03:53 AM
When people don't understand, I try to explain.But that is the problem, m8, I didnt understand where boot.img was to be found and you didnt explain !!! You just asked another question !

When people has an attitude, I just "unplugged".
:roll: :roll:your perrogative of course, and my place to offer an apology for being so 'sharp' with you, my excuse is that I was being chastised at the same time by "userunknown" and was being told by him(her) to go read the FM, which "M"anual was totally out of date and worthless (for my particular boot disk problem)
so u see ,,,, your offering of not where the boot.img was to be found did not help, confucious all round, but no worries eco2geek and jdrake et al. have solved the problem for me <heraldic trumpets & drum rolls>thanks guys </noise>

PS eco2geek, just found your beginners tutorial/introduction guide on your website. Nice work, wish I had seen that when I started this , :-)