View Full Version : Custom firefox eluding me

09-07-2004, 01:57 AM
I wish to have a customized Firefox i.e. skins, extensions, bookmarks, etc. so normally I would simply add /etc/skel/.firefox & /etc/skel/.mozilla to 45xsession:

rsync -Har --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.rox_choices,.xfce4,Desktop,.Eterm,.firefox,.mozi lla} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

This works fine for most directories e.g. .rox_choices,.xfce4,Desktop,.Eterm but fails for .firefox & .mozilla. They are getting replaced by their default configurations but from where? Who is doing this to me?? :)

Alternatively, anyone know of a remaster that has a customized Firefox?

09-07-2004, 01:19 PM
could be from here:-


There exists .mozilla, which the newer versions of firefox use.

09-10-2004, 12:12 AM
oh.... hey.... I know this one.

Drove me batty for a couple days.....

Check your permissions in /etc/skel

note the s permissions on group for directories needing recursion.

do chmod g+s for .firefox and then manually descend into the .firefox directory and do the same for each directory inside....

if anybody can correct me and tell me how to recursively chmod g+s on directories only... not the files inside ... please do .... :)

also... if you want to keep bookmarks.html then chmod 755 on that as it seems to default to 500 and the 45xsession script can't copy it that way for some reason.


10-12-2004, 01:31 AM
At line 80 of 45xsession (at least in Kanotix) you'll see this:

if [ ! -e $HOME/.mozilla -a "$FREESPACE" -gt 1500 ] && [ -d /etc/skel/.mozilla -o -d /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.mozilla ]; then
rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/.mozilla $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
[ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.mozilla $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

Simply make a copy and change .mozilla to .firefox and voila! Well the least I can do is provide a copy-n-paste version eh? :)

if [ ! -e $HOME/.firefox -a "$FREESPACE" -gt 1500 ] && [ -d /etc/skel/.firefox -o -d /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.firefox ]; then
rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/.firefox $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
[ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/.firefox $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

Of course you'll need to also add your own custom ~/.firefox & ~/.mozilla to /etc/skel or this does you no good.

10-13-2004, 05:50 AM
And this is made even simpler now that newer versions of firefox also use .mozilla for there settings etc.