View Full Version : Boot from CD not working

09-08-2004, 07:42 PM
first i have to say I'm new to all the linux stuff, I just tried to boot from the Knoppix CD to save whats left of my crashed Win XP System's NTFS Partitions.
But unfortunately the CD i downloaded won't boot on my System. Now before somebody tells me to check the bios, I already did that and with other CD's like the WinXP Install CD it works. I even tried the boot-disks from http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/eco2geek/knoppix-stuff.html .
But even with those I couldn't start the system, the disks worked but then it couldn't find the CD.
I hope somebody can help me to get over that problem.. :?

Oh and some Infos about my system: MSI MB KT333, Fasttrack 133 Raid, AMD Athlon XP1800, GF4-MX Video, Liteon CD-RW


09-09-2004, 02:04 AM
You know, I'd better update those floppies for Knoppix 3.6. Haven't touched my website for months.

Anyway, first question is, what content do you see on the Knoppix CD you burned?

09-25-2004, 01:46 AM
After trying some drives i found out that the reason was more a strange burned CD, after getting Windows back on the system i tried the CD and it was shown as Audio CD with 1 track... :lol:
After getting another one (knoppix 3.4) from a magazine it worked (with CD boot) and even a floppyconfig disk for my Raid controler.
So Thanks! :roll: