View Full Version : uninstalling knoppix

03-22-2003, 05:42 AM
Now that I know something about Linux (thank you Knoppix), I'm ready to uninstall it and move on to some other distros. I've never done this before and would really like to temporarily make my WinXP partition the only bootable one on my computer. I'm using the default LILO boot loader that was installed with Knoppix and am afraid that if I just delete my linux partitions, then the boot loader won't allow me to boot into anything (I had that problem with RedHat and had to just reinstall Windows, which I really don't want to do right now). So how do I uninstall knoppix without messing up the boot loader?

Thanks for your help.

03-22-2003, 06:08 AM
You can dual boot now? If so you could just select XP at boot for now and when you install another Linux, use LILO to boot to it.


Just use a 98 boot floppy and use it to

C:\>fdsk /mbr

Then reboot into your XP CD and go to the repair console by hitting F10.

use the repair mbr option.

You should have your original XP boot loader back.

Then just go into XP disk manager after you've rebooted into XP and delete the partition Knoppix was on. Don't format it unless you want it to be a windows partition.

Now you're ready to put something else on that partition.

DISCLAIMER: If I've made any errors or omissions will someone please let us know.